I hated the seme of the first story. Like wtf is wrong with his head to treat another pers...

diddl June 30, 2018 11:06 am

I hated the seme of the first story. Like wtf is wrong with his head to treat another person like that. I mean he obviously loves the uke so it is mutual, but to threaten him into this kind of relationship because he knows the uke will never resist because of his family, is really despicable. I mean yeah I do like when the seme is a bit possessive and jealous because he cares. However, this is being obsessive in a negative way and he needs to get some help to fix this kind of behavior. The uke loves him, so why the need to isolate him so that he doesn’t get a chance for having friends and being independent (!!). I mean okay it’s just a story but I can’t help it

    fujosheep March 25, 2019 2:00 pm

    I really hate it because the seme is like ..preparing a plan B if the uke runs away from him by making the clients of uke's father company severe ties with him