U srsly just... said pregnancy is the best...??? Hohboi i can feel the thunderstorm of fem...

The3amReader June 29, 2018 3:02 am

U srsly just... said pregnancy is the best...??? Hohboi i can feel the thunderstorm of feminists coming this way already...

    vibes June 29, 2018 8:34 am

    what's the problem? being pregnant is pretty fucking great, especially when your baby daddy is a millionaire. fucking rules.

    The3amReader July 1, 2018 4:55 pm

    Yea but he’ll srsly change his mind at the end of it all. Plus the fact of feeling like you’re living on life support and can’t walk up the stairs without being winded. Sucks for those parts but yeh i mean if u’re lucky enough to have someone help and spoil u this much while pregnant i guess it’s cool.