God why is everyone so damn sensitive on this website?????

guccitab June 28, 2018 11:28 pm

God forbid you have an opinion that’s different than theirs and all hell breaks loose. They try and tear down your opinion & make it seem wrong or invalid bc it’s not the same as their own. ( ̄へ ̄)

    jjong June 28, 2018 11:43 pm

    If it's genuinely just an opinion or your personal feelings on a matter regardless of who and what you're directing it at, and people want to tear that down then I say try your best to ignore and repeat your opinion. Sometimes people on here can't differentiate an individual opinion from the majority opinion. Happens all the time.

    Night June 29, 2018 2:50 am

    Unfortunately, it's not just this website. A lot of people these days are sensitive with their opinions and lack objectivity when it comes to listening to opposing ideas of others. It's why words such as "bigot" and "racist" are thrown about so easily these days. Of course, that's not to say there aren't people who act as such, but these terms are often overly used as a defense to shut down arguments that people are having difficulty defending against.

    The reason it stands out here is because we've got trolls, a decent number of 12 year olds, a lot of sleepy people, and a swath of touchy content on here. Overall, you've just gotta stick to your guns and ignore those who can't seem to have an open, rational discussion.