
Nenu June 27, 2018 6:28 pm

Sunyool, baby, what are you doing?? Just wait until Heejae breaks his heart and there you have him, don't force him!

    Faults_in_thestars June 27, 2018 7:28 pm

    Wouldn't that also be a form of manipulation?

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 7:45 pm
    Wouldn't that also be a form of manipulation? Faults_in_thestars

    How is waiting for your chance a manipulation?

    Airena June 27, 2018 9:02 pm
    How is waiting for your chance a manipulation? Atsushi

    It is called taking advantage of someone whose heart was recently broken(has a lower defence in general)

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 9:30 pm
    It is called taking advantage of someone whose heart was recently broken(has a lower defence in general) Airena

    Lol I still don't see it as taking advantage of someone. If they know what they're doing, it's not taking advantage.

    Airena June 27, 2018 9:37 pm
    Lol I still don't see it as taking advantage of someone. If they know what they're doing, it's not taking advantage. Atsushi

    it's taking advantage of someone's low emotional deffence. That's also taking advantage of someone !

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 9:45 pm

    Unless they're depressed or struggling with some other mental issues --> I don't think so.

    Faults_in_thestars June 27, 2018 10:03 pm
    Unless they're depressed or struggling with some other mental issues --> I don't think so. Atsushi

    Hunny they are struggling with mental issues if their emotional state is wrecked.

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 10:21 pm

    I wouldn't call it mental issues when you're just sad.

    Faults_in_thestars June 27, 2018 10:31 pm
    I wouldn't call it mental issues when you're just sad. Atsushi

    Having your hear broken isn't just being "sad" when you grow attached to someone mentally and physically having them taken away or having to leave them because they hurt you or manipulated you won't just make you "sad". Being sad isn't being mentally unstable. Being heartbroken can make you mentally unstable and lots if the time you can't even think properly let alone make rational decisions. Sunyool letting him get his heart broken and using that to get to him is very sociopathy.

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 10:35 pm

    Then it's depression. I included depression in my post above.
    BTW not all heartbroken people go through a phase when they don't know what they're doing and they can sleep around with anybody who ask them to. To be honest, if you do this, you have some problems with yourself, which I also included in my post above.

    Atsushi June 27, 2018 10:37 pm

    I maintain my opinion. Sleeping with people who just broke up with somebody isn't taking advantage of them. It happened to me to and I'm 100% sure I wasn't taken advantage of, because I knew what I was agreeing on.

    Faults_in_thestars June 28, 2018 4:31 am
    I maintain my opinion. Sleeping with people who just broke up with somebody isn't taking advantage of them. It happened to me to and I'm 100% sure I wasn't taken advantage of, because I knew what I was agreeing... Atsushi

    Okay if that's your opinion. You have every right to stand by it. Glad we had this discussion. And I'd like to add I mean every word because I know since you cannot hear my tone or see my expression that you might think I'm being sarcastic. I am not. Please enjoy your life as it is and I hope its gets even better

    Airena June 29, 2018 5:06 pm
    I maintain my opinion. Sleeping with people who just broke up with somebody isn't taking advantage of them. It happened to me to and I'm 100% sure I wasn't taken advantage of, because I knew what I was agreeing... Atsushi

    I'm done too. If you want more acurate answers look it up. Being stubborn never helped anyone

    Nenu July 14, 2018 5:56 pm
    Then it's depression. I included depression in my post above.BTW not all heartbroken people go through a phase when they don't know what they're doing and they can sleep around with anybody who ask them to. To ... Atsushi

    Well said. And striking when the iron's still hot is not manipulating, it is taking the chance. Plus, if you really care about that person, you'd help them through their sadness and show them you are the right choice for them and that they are worth it, with love and attention, how is that being a manipulative demon? lol