Edit: It's found!!! Yay! It's: "Under the glassmoon" by Koh Yasung
I'm really desperate to find a manga. At least more than ten years ago, I had this manga (two volumes/could be manhwas). The printed version was slightly larger than normal ones and had a black cover. The cover illustration was drawn extremely beautifully (looks like it was colored digital with painter not photoshop).
The story was a mixture of romance and fantasy. The main characters were two handsome bishis, one with long black hair and one with blonde long hair and glasses. It wasn't boyslove. They lived together with a woman and her daughter, who was very annoying and dressed in the lolita style. The girl was in love with one of the two men and made a big fuss in on chapter and fell in deep water (which was really extremely beautiful drawn). I do not know much in between, only the blonde was kidnapped at the end. In any case, my mother threw away my mangas when I did not live at home because of my studies. And I have no idea what these mangas were called. They were so unbelievably beautifully drawn (but there were also a few of those over-realistic drawings, that do not look so pretty). I would really like to see this drawing style again. ╥﹏╥
Edit: It's found!!! Yay!
It's: "Under the glassmoon" by Koh Yasung
I'm really desperate to find a manga.
At least more than ten years ago, I had this manga (two volumes/could be manhwas).
The printed version was slightly larger than normal ones and had a black cover.
The cover illustration was drawn extremely beautifully (looks like it was colored digital with painter not photoshop).
The story was a mixture of romance and fantasy.
The main characters were two handsome bishis, one with long black hair and one with blonde long hair and glasses. It wasn't boyslove.
They lived together with a woman and her daughter, who was very annoying and dressed in the lolita style.
The girl was in love with one of the two men and made a big fuss in on chapter and fell in deep water (which was really extremely beautiful drawn).
I do not know much in between, only the blonde was kidnapped at the end.
In any case, my mother threw away my mangas when I did not live at home because of my studies. And I have no idea what these mangas were called.
They were so unbelievably beautifully drawn (but there were also a few of those over-realistic drawings, that do not look so pretty).
I would really like to see this drawing style again.