I have quite the experience. Confess to them to know the truth once and for all. I used to like this boy, now a man, since I met him around 10 years ago. There were plenty of justified reasons why I was afraid of confessing to him, but nevertheless I tried to move on without ever having to confess. It haunted me and when I finally did, it was out of the blue, and he was not the nicest person about it. Anyway, it was horrible for me through and through, now I'm still trying to forget and it's working. Confess.

I think it kind of depends on th general atmosphere, like if you think the person would be ok with it, you should take that chance. There was a boy I knew and still do who liked me back after he found out that I liked him, and to me, it was a great feeling. However, I acknowledge not all people are like that, but if you really feel like you should take that chance, well it’s better to try late then never at all! :D
Do what you feel is best~
Should one risk a close friendship by confessing? Is it worth it? Im really uncertain about that persons feelings (sometimes I feel there is a spark, then its gone, then we tease eachother a lot, etc.), and I'm not madly in love, but its been a year and a half and I wonder if I should continue like this for a while still or if I should confess or maybe just try to move on... Anyone with experience on this?