'oh hey this guy sexually harassed me in my dream and told me it was my own subconscious so i'd feel bad!' 'but he gave me puppy dog eyes after he confessed his love for me ;;('
go siwon,, i swear to god,, there's been so many dumb and naive ukes from what i've read but none of them even come close to frustrating me as much as this guy does
You know what that’s called? Stockholm syndrome. He can’t help it. Sixx
sorry but his stupidty and naive behaviour go to wayyyy before the kidnapping god he is the most annoying uke ı can ever see but damn ı really read this every time ı just have to drop this already
You know what that’s called? Stockholm syndrome. He can’t help it. Sixx
i'd agree but he put himself in this position way before any of this, like he could've outright rejected the guy but he kept forgiving him over and over so calling it stockholm syndrome at this point just,, isn't it
'oh hey this guy sexually harassed me in my dream and told me it was my own subconscious so i'd feel bad!'
'but he gave me puppy dog eyes after he confessed his love for me ;;('
go siwon,, i swear to god,, there's been so many dumb and naive ukes from what i've read but none of them even come close to frustrating me as much as this guy does