Tappy toon is basically free. The first 2 chapters are completely free, and the next are free when you watch an ad. After that, there are login events for you to earn points. If you login for a full 5 days, you get 700 points. That's already 3 chapters right there! Tokens are the only thing that costs you money and a mere $2.00 usd is worth 5 chapters or more, if there is a sale. Soemtimes they even sell the entirety of a series for 5-10$ depending on the length and popularity, sometimes even less. Only thing is sometimes chapters take awhile. I believe that Tappy is on chapter 8 or 9 of s2. So you can still read for free in the future, but it will take longer and you'll have to put in effort yourself as well.
Well sometimes there are people that didn't use dollar and it is too expensive for them to afford, like me, for example. So I need to wait for "free" chance from tappytoon to read it. Do you think it's the same?
Well sometimes there are people that didn't use dollar and it is too expensive for them to afford, like me, for example. So I need to wait for "free" chance from tappytoon to read it. Do you think it's the same... yaoifolder_Sblind
if you really want to read it that badly and love the series, then yes it's the same. It's worth the wait and no one gets in trouble. It's really more a matter of patience than money. I understand that some people can't afford to buy tokens (I can't always buy tokens either) but this is an option for those who want to read it for free.
Tappy toon is basically free. The first 2 chapters are completely free, and the next are free when you watch an ad. After that, there are login events for you to earn points. If you login for a full 5 days, you get 700 points. That's already 3 chapters right there! Tokens are the only thing that costs you money and a mere $2.00 usd is worth 5 chapters or more, if there is a sale. Soemtimes they even sell the entirety of a series for 5-10$ depending on the length and popularity, sometimes even less. Only thing is sometimes chapters take awhile. I believe that Tappy is on chapter 8 or 9 of s2. So you can still read for free in the future, but it will take longer and you'll have to put in effort yourself as well.