Well, some of the success of this can be dependent upon the subject or the teaching style of your professor, but here's a couple things I've got -
Reread the chapter/module you are going through each day before you start working on your homework. Even if it has really long chapters, you can break it up and spend at least 10-15 minutes a day. If you've got something completely down to the point it feels almost memorize, cool, you can skim that area, but don't skim the entire chapter. Once you've gone on to the next chapter, still come back to the chapters before and look over them, anywhere from once a week to once a month, depending on your depth of understanding of the chapter.
I'm assuming you take notes? On paper? Well, once you've taken notes, the next day, I suggest recopying them in pen. It is supposed to really cement the ideas in your brain. Something I myself did was reorganizing the ideas as I went along to make connections between concepts and so that the notes would be clearer when I went back to review.
Another thing to do is to make sure not to skip over something you don't fully understand - sure, many times you can get enough of the gist that you can do fine for now, but if you only have a gist, it's not true understanding and it will not stick in your mind. That is why I suggest using the internet a bit to learn a bit more and to look at the concept from a different angle if you don't have a COMPLETE understanding to the point that you could practically teach the class. Khan Academy is one website I suggest because their videos are usually very clear (at least the ones I used for Calc and Bio) and not too long (about 12 minutes or less depending on the subject).
If you are asking that here you are already doing It wrong
try eating sweets while studying or tea instead of coffee. Reward yourself with a chocolate piece with every topic or page. You could also listen to instrumental music.. well here's also a technique that was proven by a documentary.. Try recording phrases, sentences items that you're havibg trouble with and listen to them with your headphones during your sleep. it may sound stupid but it's scientifically proven. Also, if you feel tired don't force yourself to study, better sleep early then wake up early then study during that time while your brain is fresh.
Hi dont mind my english am still learning
I just saw my self in u when it comes to study u have always to change strategy to go with ,tho am uni student ( med student ╥﹏╥) u knew i believe that u need to be smart enough to study hard in a way that is effective and guaranty u the best results so u need to well use ur time u should study when u think ur at most energy (usally its early morning) but if u like night working go ahaid just keep tha (4- 5h) only for studying and ull sée difference ( u can increase stady hours if ur major is Gard ), but thé post important thing to Nevers study thé dame thing un thé same way same place for more than 4h Evert day ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ : what i means is u need to change what ur studying Évry 3h at least ans do not stay close in ur room onley go library garden café restaurent enywhere ur fine with as long as u study , and be sûre to test at l'East 5/10min between each study session .
Stay calme ans comit that ull use that tome only for studying and stay away from ur phone or vidéo games ..eny thing can disturb u...
And lieve it until u finish studying ...finelly i wish u good luck u just ne strong and work hard and ull sée ur dreams coming trueヾ(☆▽☆)
Legit just read and read your material even if you don't understand it. Just keep reading again and again
Idk if it'll work for you but I have a photographic memory ish so but hopefully it'll still help even if you're not that type of person
Anonymus is right, me as a nursing student can tell you that you need to study smart not hard so in addition of what is being said you should start by reading the notes from class so you have a notion of what you are studying. Also, don't study what you know. I know it sounds stupid but believe me everyone do this because for our brains is easy study what they know vs the unknown. In addition break the study time in sections at the beginning just 45 minutes of study and 15 minutes of relax is good with time and practice the time can go as 2 hrs of study and 10 min of break. Also find the best way for you to learn for me I have to see the information in a dyagram so I can associate the info, but other people learn by reading only. So you need to find your way. I recommend you to watch in youtube videos of how to find your way if studying at least that is watch helped me to find my way. Good luck!!
Guys tell me methods to study smart not just hard ,
Thank u
(High school student in need of help )