Before this comment gets lost in the sea of comments (this was posted by the translator he...

Would it hurt for you to read June 24, 2018 12:17 pm

Before this comment gets lost in the sea of comments (this was posted by the translator herself as a reply):
"hi, translator here.
I'm not offended, nor am I mad. I understand that as a reader, it's much easier to come onto mangago and just read a series straight through.

Many scanlation teams do choose to upload onto mangago, and they are free to do so. However, I choose not to upload my translations onto mangago for personal ethical and legal reasons. Legally, many manhwa/webtoon publishers do crack down on reposters very often, and it puts me at high risk of being caught if it goes on an easily found and accessible site like mangago.
I know that other scanlation groups do this, and often times there are no problems; that's great for them! However, I've been following Cherry Blossoms After Winter since before I was the first translator, and I know that it was faced many difficulties and the team originally translating it did face possible legal charges because of reposting issues.

So yes, it's definitely a lot easier to read on mangago, and I used to read on mangago a lot too. But from a scanlator's point of view now, it's much safer, and respectful to read translations from where it's originally posted; even if it is a bit more work to get to it."

"On Tumblr:
Click buttons, scroll through stuff, and you can pretty much find most of it.

Can't Access Tumblr?
@strawberryparkbean on Instagram is the only other account on the entire internet authorized to repost. You may notice that the account is private; this is so that it makes it difficult for companies to track them. Just request to follow and it should be more than okay.

Still can't seem to find a way to read it? Contact me (senn) at [email protected] and we'll work out a solution then.

Is this too much work for you? Well then, just don't read it. If it's too much work for you to click some buttons, then it must also be too much work for you to scroll and move your eyes to process some text and read the manhwa anyways.

T^T please take down S2 please

Edit: repost these instead since it's been updated with links provided by the translator herself ^^ thanks. CONTINUE REPOSTING GUYS BECAUSE THIS DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE LOST IN THE SEA OF COMMENTS

    Would it hurt for you to read June 24, 2018 12:18 pm

    Additional message from Senn herself:
    "I don't like being this type of person but if that's too much work for you, let me give a summary of my average week as a comparison.

    On Sundays, I spend most of my day at church; yes despite being a translator for the BL genre, I do prioritize my religion, and it's a part of my personal lifestyle.
    Up until just a few days ago, I was still a student, so I did have school work until then. In addition to my school work, I go to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I'm going to college soon, I need the money).
    From Monday to Friday, I balance several hobbies; cosplaying, writing, drawing, planning out to publish my own webtoon, dancing, exercising, cooking, and learning languages (I am currently learning Japanese, and expanding more on Korean).
    On Saturday mornings and afternoons, I practice instruments (bass guitar, acoustic guitar, piano) and like to sing. In the late afternoon, I attend church (like I said, it's a big part of my personal life). As soon as I come home in the evening, I work on translations until I sleep (if I have time on Friday, I'll get to it a bit earlier).
    If I have time to do anything in between, I do like to play video games.

    On average, I get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. This is a lifestyle I've become accustomed to since awhile ago, so I'll be honest, it doesn't really take a toll on me.

    Does it seem like I have an unnecessarily excessive number of hobbies? Yes, looking at it like that, it certainly does.
    My point is, in the midst of all my personal life, I do take my own time and sometimes my own money (I'm grateful to have gotten donations recently) with little to no compensation to translate at least 5 different chapters a week (CBAW is not the only manhwa I work on). Translating a chapter alone takes almost 1.5 hours. However, since I work on CBAW on my own, the screenshots, formatting, cleaning, translating, and typesetting takes about 3-4 hours for one chapter.

    So like I take time out of my personal life and take time away from some of my precious hobbies, take just a bit of time to click a few more buttons and figure out a way to read it in a way that'll benefit everyone. If you can't do that, just don't read it."

    jobless June 24, 2018 1:46 pm

    Thank you so much