Jian Yi's dissappearance is coming.

Victuuri June 23, 2018 7:24 pm

This chapter made me happy but at the same time scared. Why? Because Jian Yi's disappearance is approaching and I don't know if I can handle it. Imagine how hard will it be for Zhan Zheng Xi because it's clear that Zhan Zheng Xi just wants to be with Jian Yi and that he wants Jian Yi to stay with him. And yes, it will also be hard too for Jian Yi. Being separated for a long time really, really hurts. Ahh.

    carol_L June 24, 2018 2:21 am

    You are not the only one. It will hurt so many in the fandom. No one wants this! I really had been reading all this time and thought somehow it was just skipped and somehow we were seeing them in high school because they don't look like middle schoolers. So confusing but not so worrying.