You made a good point but i think he's still a victim because if you read the chapters carefully, it was shown that Edwin put a stronger brainwashing on Christoph so he won't disobey his commands. But on the part of being aware of what he's doing, Christoph was able to be still aware of it but not disobey Edwin's commands EXCEPT going back to Edwin, because Christoph's desire to stay with Ryan is that much stronger than Edwin's brainwash 2.0.
As for Ryan's hypocrisy, lol... it's obviously because he had "a thing for blondes" (which means that Ryan started to like Christoph) as mentioned by Cecilia in the past - which i think gave us readers a hint, how much Ryan likes Christoph to the point that despite suspecting him as the one who poisoned his bestfriends (Lucaon's parents) and Lucaon (twice), he chose to ask Leon to watch out for Christoph's actions rather than incarcerate him.
what i don't understand is if Ryan knew Christoph had a part in Lucaon's family's death and through that Kyon's family's death and Lucaon's poisoning twice. Ryan still cares more about Christoph who literally showed up on the scene because of Celia mind you, and had no prior connection to Ryan, but Ryan did have very very close ties to Lucaon and his family and still didn't do anything to make Christoph confess or even correct the wrong doing that he had done. Yes Christoph was under orders but he apparently had significant powers that he could go against the Derwin's orders should Derwin keep trying to mind control him, even Derwin's associate mentions this as Christoph's powers can evade even Celia's mind-reading. It's clearly stated. This means Christoph to some extent knew exactly what he was doing and did it anyway. Especially when he killed the intruder and instead of neutralizing him so that he could be interrogated. Christoph was only worried about the safety of himself, and how if he was found out it would affect his closeness to Ryan and current lifestyle should he be connected to Derwin. He probably would have continued to "play" ignorant if Kyon hadn't found the evidence. Christoph isn't a victim. He was used but he isn't a victim that it's made out to be. How Ryan could still protect Christoph when he lost apparently his best friends to Christoph and the organization he works for and was going to allow their son to die for a second time, clearly shows how shit Ryan is when it comes to loyalty. He choose a essentially a stranger over his own kind.But had no problem attack first , question second when it came to Kyon. What a hypocrite. I don't want Christoph to die, but doesn't deserve to go unpunished.