honestly, me. :/ it's not even the bdsm that gets me, it's the fact that this is getting so like... just really drawn out. I'm hearing that it gets better in spoilers but this inbetween is ridiculous. I thought this evil guy would be a side-plot stepping stone... but he's like the actual plot ?? Like what the fuck, even his backstory was just... shitty. The plot is bad. Period.

I’d honestly probably like him if he had an actual reason for being so shitty, like he was bullied or lost someone or some dramatic ness. But like he is only an asshole because some kids only liked him for his money in middle school ?? Shit I’d be evil for less than that idk it feels cliche and generic for someone that so much time is being used on
I honestly have been avoiding the past couple of updates. I checked in today hoping Kang Jinha was back but woop. What the heck is this BDSM theme all of a sudden? Eh, I'm done