Hahaha, that's true. Which makes me only have a little bit of sympathy for him for that scene but whatever crazy thing happens next with him I know I'm going to lose all sympathy and won't feel bad for him. Well unless he kills Bum's uncle and then I'll be on Sangwoo side because I cannot stand the uncle and what he did to Bum.
Hahaha, that's true. Which makes me only have a little bit of sympathy for him for that scene but whatever crazy thing happens next with him I know I'm going to lose all sympathy and won't feel bad for him. Well unless he kills Bum's uncle and then I'll be on Sangwoo side because I cannot stand the uncle and what he did to Bum.
i feel sympathy for his younger, child-self. nothing is worse than a pedophile and children who have to go through that massacre are victims of the society. Of crs that shit like this is going to fuck the child up, in some cases make them fall low or even become a criminals from various reasons. Children should be protected cause they are evolving and when they are still children their mind can get fucked up so very easily. That doesnt mean Sangwoo shouldnt be condemned and held responsible for his actions, but in reality the true guilty one is pedophilic mother and not even her but maybe father, who probably fucked her up too. And maybe that father had fucked up parents also. That is like ouroboros, never ending circle of crime and repeating what u got in your life from others. Such a pity we live in a world like that, that is never gonna change, no matter how we try... Very sad.
lol i have exams in 3 days and im writing about stupid shit again. wtf xd
I agree with your statement and it's true when a kid is exposed to abusive parents or a horrible living environment their bond to follow those examples they are exposed to and end up being that way as well. When it comes to Sangwoo is seems that there is a very high possibility that he was molested by his mom (I'm just guessing from all the comments I've seen people post and the small hints the author gave us) and abused by his father. Him going through those tragic events seem to have broke him inside, where there seems to be no chance of repair. It's like you said its a never-ending cycle of pain and misery. When I look at this story, I see how Sangwoo turned out because his parents and Bum is an example as well because he had problems and a bad living environment as well. But I think the difference between Sangwoo and Bum is that Sangwoo did something about his situation where it might be that he killed his parents. While Bum did nothing to try to escape from his problem. But anyway, I do feel bad for Sangwoo for the physical and maybe sexual abuse that he had to go through. But him killing people in order to escape the pain and reality is wrong and he should be in jail. You can as also blame the parents who caused him to act this way and be mentally unstable. Your right it's such a pity that the world is so corrupted like this but anyway I love this story and I can't wait to see where it takes us.
Ps. hahaha, don't worry I have assignments I should be doing that are due soon but I'm sitting here reading yaoi.
Yes, i agree that he should go to prison. To get justice for all the innocent women he murdered and tortured (and guys 2) - but i would also prefer for him to get a psychiatric treatment, therapeut or sth..it wouldnt help much, but it is the only thing he really deserves, or the child inside of him deserves. Nothing will turn back time and hive him loving family he should have had...who knows, maybe he could be a great man if the circumstances were different. He seems very smart and intelligent af, but now its all for nothing. Its the same as with Hannibal Lecter. As a child he was made to ate his younger sister if i remember correctly - which changed him and made him a psychopatic serial killer...and as he deserved the prison or even death, than i was crying af and also found him very pitiful, pitiable just as Sangwoo is. They are broken people, that should have been taken care of many years before present action - but no one cared then. They cared now - not when these poor children were abused and experienced horrible things, no one noticed and no one wanted to - now everyone cares, everyone notices them and maybe they will notice their hidden pain. I guess they think they dont want to be discovered and being pitied, but i think inside the children inside of them really want that. Maybe thats the reason. I have no idea. Im not a psychologist so i dont know, it just occurs to me that they are still the same children but with adults bodies and more experience. Sangwoo is childish so very often. Idk xd If we just think about what is happening in our world right now - we are practically making our own murderers sometimes. By not caring, not doing anything about all of the crimes done to children like raping, children trafficking, abuse or bullying in schools..lol, nvm me xD
This may have SPOILERS if you haven't seen chapter 39, so just a heads up.
The ending of chapter 39 was a little sad. especially for Sangwoo because towards the end he runs into a child who was crying and then the child runs to the mom. The moms hugs the kid to comfort him. When Sangwoo see's that he makes a very sad expression seeing that. Because that's something that he probably wanted from his mom, to comfort him when he was sad and to love him as a mother should. So it just mad me feel bad for Sangwoo and what he had to go through in his childhood.