It's been a long time since I read Interview with the Vampire, but I remember liking it.
Not sure if you have heard of, but if you want to find like minded people to talk about book with you should check out. :)
There are a lot of groups, friendly people and plus you can keep track of the books you're reading.
I know that this is not the site for it, and that I might get hate for this.... but I need someone to talk to about this masterpiece. I was the only bookworm in the family, and my friends at school have no interest in a book stuffed full of English big words that they can barely comprehend. I've read the book and watched the film, and I love it so very much I feel like I might die if I don't talk to someone about it. Plz, if you are also Anne rice fan or if you know any site where they discuss her book, drop a reply.