Interview with the vampire

KissMeLikeYouMissMe June 21, 2018 3:57 pm

I know that this is not the site for it, and that I might get hate for this.... but I need someone to talk to about this masterpiece. I was the only bookworm in the family, and my friends at school have no interest in a book stuffed full of English big words that they can barely comprehend. I've read the book and watched the film, and I love it so very much I feel like I might die if I don't talk to someone about it. Plz, if you are also Anne rice fan or if you know any site where they discuss her book, drop a reply.

    GreenTea13 June 21, 2018 4:24 pm

    It's been a long time since I read Interview with the Vampire, but I remember liking it.
    Not sure if you have heard of, but if you want to find like minded people to talk about book with you should check out. :)
    There are a lot of groups, friendly people and plus you can keep track of the books you're reading.

    Lady Luck June 21, 2018 4:27 pm

    It might be hard to find a website/ forum run specifically on Anne Rice/ Interview with the vampire topic, but you might want to try to search for more general themes such as vampire themed books or fantasy books or sth

    KissMeLikeYouMissMe June 21, 2018 4:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! flowi.naj

    Oh yes, please check her books out. I'm guarantee you would fall in love, but be warned, I don't take responsibility for heart break.

    KissMeLikeYouMissMe June 21, 2018 4:55 pm
    It's been a long time since I read Interview with the Vampire, but I remember liking it. Not sure if you have heard of, but if you want to find like minded people to talk about book with you shoul... GreenTea13

    Oh my god, thank you!!!!! By the way, you should reread IWTV if you've neglect it for a long time. I don't remember how many times I've read it just to fall in love with every words like it's my first time. This book is just pure magic.

    KissMeLikeYouMissMe June 21, 2018 4:58 pm
    It might be hard to find a website/ forum run specifically on Anne Rice/ Interview with the vampire topic, but you might want to try to search for more general themes such as vampire themed books or fantasy boo... Lady Luck

    It's very hard for me, as I don't live in English speaking country, and very little of the population even read such a deep and intricate book, because there's simply a lot of big words for them. Sometimes I feel so lonely. But thank you for your thought and your advice, I really appreciate it.