But I still feel like its not getting the recognition its deserve. And I know Girl friends wasn't that popular in Japan, so it wil never get an anime.
After reading this bonus chapter, I want everyone to remember girl friends and maybe win some new readers.
Don't know man, I just love it, so I want everyone to be amazed by this masterpiece like I was. X)
Rest assured that I feel the same way xD Although, I'm not so bent on the anime part (since I personally feel that GF style is not quite anime-suited and it will be much better conveyed in manga form). And ya, it's quite a shame we don't get to suggest new tags here like in Dynasty, wonder if there is any way to contact the admin and tell them to change the tags hmmm
The Origin, the one that opend the door to yuri for me.
They really should put more tags on this one, maybe it gets more popular then.
At least the shoujo ai tag...