I know i'm being harsh and vindictive to remind this but while this was a misunderstanding...

blueninja89 June 21, 2018 6:44 am

I know i'm being harsh and vindictive to remind this but while this was a misunderstanding, Skyler was literally a horrible person to Yeonduk. Like I mean absolutely horrible. Like go fuck yourself horrible. How Yeonduk can forgive and continue to forgive Skyler truly shows how selfless he is. Now that Skyler is recognizing all of this, I'm so split on how I feel about them ending up together. I know Skyler is being racked with guilt but like he said it barely scratches the surface of what he put Yeonduk through for years. I know they'll end up together, but almost want Skyler to have to deal with this guilt longer (like years), than I'm sure he'll have to. He'll end up with Yeonduk and everything will be under the bridge and i'm sure Yeonduk will tell Skyler not to hold onto that guilt, man i've never wanted a character to be forced to deal with unrequited love and feeling like an outcast as atonement but also finally be at peace all at the same time than I have with Skyler. Almost want them to be just "friends" for a little longer so Yeon can actually heal. Since it's barely been a couple months that he transferred. Skyler is a victim to his mother's unhinged and abusive upbringing, it's true what they say about children raised in a abusive household only continue the cycle later themselves. Skyler abused Yeonduk's friendship trying to ruin Yeonduk like Skyler's own mother tried to do to him as an outlet. Ughh Yeon is so happy for once being on his own without Skyler and I just want him to continue to be healthy and happy. And I know being with Skyler will make him the happiest but it's his health that i'm so worried about. I mean Skyler has hurt Yeonduk so much both physically( Skyler bully friends) and emotionally. Yeonduk has gone through so much. Ughh this chapter just makes be have so many feels I'm all over the place on how I feel. Are people also conflicted?

    Kell June 21, 2018 7:06 am

    i completely agree! said all the same things previously in the comment section and i was getting downvoted to hell and people were literally shitting on my opinion. i guess i didn't say it in the right words

    Mockingbell June 21, 2018 7:14 am

    Yes I agree 100%! I really really love this manwha for getting us as readers to not blindly "ship" a couple but to truly examine these characters and their development.

    Skyler was total cunt to Yeonduk and honestly put him through hell. I remember being legitimately really sad when I read that flashback chapter on the jacket . I agree with you in the way I want this less to be about how Skyler makes it up to Yeonduk. But rather him actually feeling and understanding his guilt for what it truly is. It's something we don't often get to see in mangas/manhwas.

    I really think author has done a fantastic job of showing up how perspective can alter our memories and shape our actions. This is less about a cute highschool couple and more about how these boys are growing up as people.

    orangevoldemort June 21, 2018 11:33 am

    sorry didnt mean to downvote :(

    SpringDay21 June 21, 2018 11:48 am

    thank you for this. It's exactly what i felt too.