I get what your saying but i think this rape trope needs to be adressed, i understand its a huge part of yaoi but times are changing and rape is not ok... I agree that the author is being buisness savvy but i think thats just sad.. instead of writing a story with heart and good art they chose the rape way to make a quick buck selling volumes to women with sexual fantasies. Also its a bit scary that the rape fiction makes 20+ billion yen...

My above post completely went over your head, didn't it? Yaoi doesn't endorse rape; no romance vehicle that uses this literary device is endorsing rape. The rape trope has absolutely nothing to do with rape in real life context; it is two very separate animals. One is a sexual fantasy to be enjoyed in the safety of one's imagination and the other is brutality in all its grotesque form; unfortunately, this simple distinction seems too difficult s concept for some people to understand. You're just not smart enough if you don't recognize the difference between reality and fiction; but most importantly, the root and purpose of any literary device. When you start your argument with ""but rape is not ok" , you're operating from ignorance from the get go, because the fact is that nobody , not Yaoi, not any author, not any genre and not any reader, is saying that rape is ok; that is just fallacious. If you still don't get it, most likely you will never get it.
Oh, the irony...not! LOL. Despite a very conspicuous and concise warning that the manga incorporates the rape trope, we are still subjected to the predictable pontification of cyber sjw's. I just love how they bloviate their outrage at the trope; oh, how authors that use the trope are "lazy", shame on them! How the rape trope is “soooo over" and "boring", “Noooobody wants to read rape in yaoi” (rolling my eyes). If only facts didn't negate such banalities, smh. The rape/ravishment trope has been an integral literary device of the Yaoi genre since its inception. It is used in Romance to emphasize the excitement of seduction and sexual desire. It caters to what the empirical data has proven to be a universal female fantasy. Universal in the sense that females from all social, educational and cultural backgrounds and from different countries across the globe (those that have been tested), indulge in the ravishment/rape fantasy because it happens in a controlled romantic domain that excludes the brutality of rape in real life. There’s nothing more delicious than fantasizing about a gorgeous dominant specimen (whether male/female/non) to forcefully seduce and fuck you from “no, no, no” into, “yes, yes, yes, baby!” This is precisely why the ravishment/rape trope is integral to the yaoi genre, because yaoi caters to females, and females, universally, greatly indulge and enjoy in the rape fantasy. Which means, that includes a great portion of the swj’s that are pontificating against the trope in these very yaoi forums. Yep, 85% of yaoi readers are females, so these righteous swj’s ranting on their soapbox indulging in their false sense of moral superiority are highly likely to be the greatest fans of the rape trope; they just read it in their little closets and come out here to bore the rest of us with their platitudes. Case in point, they still read this manga despite its very conspicuous warning not to. If that is too difficult to understand for our righteous pontificators, then the numbers should speak for themselves, Yep, the Yaoi genre generates on an annual basis 20+ billion yen and the market is still expanding. Not too shabby, eh? Yeah, doesn’t seem like the genre with all its tropes, including one of its most integral ones, is becoming extinct or boring; and the authors that incorporate the trope in their stories instead of being “lazy” what they are is being business savvy, or they just happen to have a great understanding of the female psyche and what appeals to them; I would argue it's both. As good old Will would say “Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven”.