YuYang self-conscious and LiHuan so non-verbal ... so awkward

carol_L June 21, 2018 12:01 am

I wonder about things. I Really Love this story and love these characters so please don't say hateful things, this is a wonder I want to express. I thought YuYang was very at ease about being gay and just a self confident guy, so why would he even care if he thought some strangers were looking at the two of them and making assumptions? He is a second year in college, not some super young scared young thing. I found this surprising. Also, I find LiHuan's nonverbal nature is worrying me. Its really impossible to have an idea of what he is thinking, and really what kind of person he is, is he smart? is he thoughtful? I would like him to talk more. This has been just my opinion and it really might not be popular. Sorry about that!

    Hanane June 21, 2018 12:48 am

    For YuYang I don't really know how to explain but I understand why he did this since it's LiHuan and not someone else... Yes I don't know how to explain this and yes sorry for wasting your time. Also you got a point there about LiHuan but one sure thing I know is he likes YuYang.

    Hazey Jnr June 21, 2018 12:48 am

    I think YuYang was getting self-conscious because he’s actually starting to fall for LiHuan without realising it and it making him a little flustered, because he said he’d be able to treat it as a joke if it happened with Huanwen (we him and Huanwen were mistaken for a couple earlier in the manhua as well and they both just laughed about it) but because it’s LiHuan it’s got him a little flustered. And as for LiHuan’s non-verbal nature, I get the feeling he’ll probably start talking more and more as the manhua continues, because he’s already opening up and talking more with YuYang than he does with other characters. Even if he doesn’t though, he tends to express a lot of what he’s thinking with his eyes and facial expressions (I’ve never seen an author able to pull this off better than DJun holy shit), but I definitely get where you’re coming from

    Cappy June 21, 2018 5:15 pm

    why would he even care if he thought some strangers were looking at the two of them and making assumptions? When the news are spread by word of mouth, both people in the couple are considered as "out of the menu". No good for YuYang, that is feeling lonely, and for LiHuan, that he still perceives as another straight friend.

    Cappy June 21, 2018 5:37 pm

    Smart? as in "street smart", I have no idea. As in "test-taking smart", he is about YuYang's level. When you take those national tests to enter a university, your score will tell you which courses are available for your score results. I guess being in the same university and taking the same course will put them in similar positions. That's just my way of thinking, I might be wrong about that.

    Thoughtful? He protecc but he also attacc! Putting a band-aid in YuYang's cheek, rescuing him from a dangerous drunken state and getting into fights for his "friend" ... The man is loyalty itself!

    He is just a bit quiet :) Yeah, I know, people don't feel so much at ease with this kind of trait, but it's just something you need to get used to.

    Eiz June 22, 2018 1:25 pm

    IMHO... I don't think it's about him (Yuyang) being gay that made him self-conscious, but rather that it be misunderstood that he and Lihuan were dating. Lihuan is straight, and Yuyang probably didn't want him to get into trouble ( like being targeted by bullies, etc. ).

    Lihuan is the silent type, it seems. But what he can't say, he puts into action.

    carol_L June 22, 2018 4:43 pm

    It can make for a long period of misunderstanding if LiHuan never expresses verbally that he might not be 100% straight or that he likes YuYang. But perhaps this is just the way DJun prefers to write / draw this character. And I still think in my understanding of YuYang's character he did not act in a way that makes sense to me with the shop girls. Its just the way I see his character, no way would he be sensitive about girls that never even said anything, they were just looking at the two of them, and its not like these people are associated with their university so its not likely in my opinion that they would start a rumor and spread it at YuYang/LiHuan's school. But thank you for everyone sharing their view, I just really enjoy reading about others' views about this series!