Obviously art isn't easy, but personally a big factor of how enjoyable the manga is, is the art style. If the art isn't great it will obviously take away from the overall quality of a manga. If it isn't good it just isn't good. It may not be easy to do, but that doesn't exempt their work from any criticism. Making a movie is hard work, but if it's bad it's going to get bad reviews no matter how much work went into it. Critism is just a part of life. Obviously it's constructive criticism is a lot more helpful than flat out insults but it's the internet, no one is going to sugar coat it.
oof, well said ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
More than half of these people complaining probably never drew in their entire life. Art isn’t an easy thing and it takes practice to get as good as all of the famous manga artists out there. Don’t spout idioc statements if y’all don’t understand that making a doujin is difficult.