Are you talking about chapter 59? It's already out on Ko Lezhin. From memory it shows Christoph killing the servant who was framed to kill Lucaon's family, his early life as a servant and the contact he had with Edwin. Regarding the current time though, it shows Lucaon try to strangle Christoph, Sihan stops this. Cecillia says she can't keep protecting Christoph, and Christoph starts crying. Ryan goes over to him, pats his head (Ryan and Edwin are the only one he can accept being touched by) and tells him "Christoph don't cry".

It's not out yet on lezhin. But here are the links
- Lezhin ko https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/royal_servant
- Hoducomic https://hoducomics.com/webtoon/list/1674
- toonkor https://toonkor.life/%EB%A1%9C%EC%97%B4-%EC%84%9C%EB%B2%88%ED%8A%B8
Is the raw going to be on hoducomics tonight? And if it is can you give me the link please?