Hibiya (and everyone else) thought he was a beta. Turns out he was actually an omega, who somehow suppresed his genes until a late age (they were only triggered after Hibyia was stung by the bee - which was a second for him, so maybe the first time he was stung was actually what caused his genes to be suppresed to begin with, maybe a chemical imbalance or so). Yamagi was always an alpha, he only pretended to be beta so he could work with Hibyia, since only betas were allowed in his group ヾ(☆▽☆)

Hey, so, I've read this story through a Spanish scalation group, where it's already completed, so next lines are spoilers
Hibiya's father cheated on his mother, and Chibyia witnessed it when he was small - it was on that occasion he got stung by the bee for the first time, when he was hiding in the bushes watching his father do the deed, since he was too shocked to move.
OK so let me see if I got this right.... hibiya was a beta.... but somehow hibiya turned into and omega ... (or was he always and omega and was just hiding that fact????).... and yamagi was never a beta he is an alpha son of a prestigious("powerfull") family and he was pretending he was a beta just to be close to hibiya???..... did I get it right??? And how did he turn to an omega when he was a beta????? (=・ω・=)