I'm honestly so torn about finding out about this manga here, because the scanlation group...

Guilty Bystander June 18, 2018 5:25 am

I'm honestly so torn about finding out about this manga here, because the scanlation group specifically requested for their work to NOT be uploaded on aggregator sites like Mangago/MyReadingManga, etc. ... but I would have never found out about this absolutely amazing manga otherwise :(((. If it wasn't uploaded here, I would never have known about this incredible work. I do see where the scanlation group is coming from, like if they get reported then they have to stop translating it (or they might face legal consequences), but can someone enlighten me on other ways that readers can find out about new manga (without following like 20 different scan groups on Tumblr, then needing specific programs to unzip huge downloads)?

    Guilty Bystander June 18, 2018 5:27 am

    Omg I didn't mean for this to come off as a whiny little entitled b*tch!! I'm dead serious, if anyone knows of a better way to get updates on new manga without having to follow or check multiple different sources, would you mind sharing that method in the comments?

    sublimousine June 18, 2018 5:54 am
    Omg I didn't mean for this to come off as a whiny little entitled b*tch!! I'm dead serious, if anyone knows of a better way to get updates on new manga without having to follow or check multiple different sourc... @Guilty Bystander

    Honestly I’m not sure if there is a way to without investing a bit of time in following some scanlation groups, but from my experience it’s totally worth it. It will give you a diverse selection or if there’s a certain type of style you like in your manga, certain groups focus on specific styles. Their upload links are safer/better quality, you’re more informed, and you find a lot of less popular works that would be buried in aggregator sites. (Plus, you feel a sense of small community/less guilt). I’d recommend following a big group first to try it out.

    Lint June 18, 2018 6:28 am

    You don't sound whiny at all! Being able to find new manga/reading material is one of the main attractions of aggregator sites. I have a personal love/hate relationship with aggregator sites, but I won't deny its benefits. I try to balance it by following and supporting scanlator groups first and reading/downloading on their site.

    Are you familiar with winrar? It's a free and fairly straightforward program that allows you to unzip all the files that scanlators share. They pop up with a message saying that you have to pay after a 30 day trial period, but they never enforce it. I've had it for all the years I've been reading and downloading scanlations and have never had a problem.

    As for the everything else, unfortunately I don't know of any other method either. It's a bit tedious and time-consuming sometimes, but I figure it's worth the bit of hassle if it means supporting the people that provide us with scanlations with their free time. I prefer downloading so I guess I'm a little biased. I personally like the tumblr method b/c it allows you to track the progress of all those groups and you can find new reading material that way, too. If you follow other BL bloggers, they sometimes post mangacaps of scanlated work as well, so that's another method. It's not nearly as tidy as with an aggregator site, unfortunately.

    Actually, I never used it this way since I mostly use it for following releases, but https://www.mangaupdates.com/releases.html might be a solution you'd be interested in using if you aren't already. It's a user-based database that allows you to track everything you're reading and it's releases. I find it's a better method than using mangago (for me) b/c scanlators approve of mangaupdates and will regularly update their releases on there, whereas many don't care for aggregators and will do anything they can to duck having their releases updated/circulated here. Still, I'll admit the vultures here are pretty fast on grabbing new releases.

    Anyway, I'm getting far from the point, but they have a filter for their releases page that allows you to filter only for daily BL releases. Once you've created an account, go to the sidebar and choose User CP, under Members ----> choose the Release Filtering option in the My Control Panel -----> check the boxes for the genres you prefer only to see on your releases page. In your case, you'd probably just check yaoi and shounen ai. Voila, just check the releases page everyday and you're pretty much given most of the newly scanlated BL material. It's a great database so you can also browse their tags for yaoi and shounen-ai too, as well as many others. Just keep in mind that anonymous scan groups and drive by scanlations mostly don't get updated on their page as they only post official group scanlation releases. Sometimes things do slip through the cracks, but it's that way on mangago sometimes, too.

    It's why I use mangaupdates, tumblr, and mangago as resources. It's time consuming and there's no perfect option, though mangago consolidates most of it pretty well, which is why so many people flock here. Mangago is usually my last go to after MU and tumblr, but I'm here for discussion too. Guess that wasn't really helpful, huh? lol. Well I'm open to new suggestions if anyone has them either. So far I'm just doing it the hard way, but it's always a balancing act in a community like scanlation.

    [I apologize for the insanely long post]

    Guilty Bystander June 18, 2018 12:23 pm
    You don't sound whiny at all! Being able to find new manga/reading material is one of the main attractions of aggregator sites. I have a personal love/hate relationship with aggregator sites, but I won't deny i... Lint

    This was honestly so helpful!!! I never even knew about manga updates, but I think this is exactly what I'll start using from now on. I'm not an avid BL or manga reader, with the exception of a few manga (just added Canis to the list!), I just casually browse Mangago when I'm relaxing after work and pick whatever manga seem like they have nice art or a good storyline, so following several different scan groups seems like it would be more effort than I would originally be willing to invest...however, if that's really the best way to make sure that scan groups don't get in trouble, then it's an effort I'd be willing to make :). I'll probably come back here just for discussions in the comments though, lol.

    Guilty Bystander June 18, 2018 12:27 pm
    Honestly I’m not sure if there is a way to without investing a bit of time in following some scanlation groups, but from my experience it’s totally worth it. It will give you a diverse selection or if there... sublimousine

    Thanks for the honest reply! I'll probably start to follow a few scanlation groups to get started, but still come back here to read the comments.

    wooosh June 18, 2018 2:11 pm

    Hi! In my experience following groups in tumblr is the best experience. For example, I follow two accounts related to Saezuru that provide a lot of info that has made me understand a lot about the plot and characters personalities that otherwise I wouldt. Besides I can follow the state of a manga, if it would be delayed, etc
    Btw, the group of this manga is not asking to remove it completly of this site, just the last chapter and the 25th with their site in the credit page left should be enough for people to know where to find them. When Canis is over and they dont have to worry about warnings then anyone is free to uploading the rest.

    wooosh June 18, 2018 2:20 pm
    Hi! In my experience following groups in tumblr is the best experience. For example, I follow two accounts related to Saezuru that provide a lot of info that has made me understand a lot about the plot and char... wooosh

    Well, I,m not saying they would bet happy about uploading it here but at least they would not have to worry once it ended.

    Lint June 19, 2018 6:59 am
    This was honestly so helpful!!! I never even knew about manga updates, but I think this is exactly what I'll start using from now on. I'm not an avid BL or manga reader, with the exception of a few manga (just ... @Guilty Bystander

    You're welcome! (⌒▽⌒) MU is a great resource, I've been using it for many years and the interface is so much better than mangago for keeping up with what you're reading and its releases. They used to have links directly to the scanlator's pages, but they've since taken them down because of some type of DMCA scare a while ago. They'll let you put up a group's social media page but not their websites. It's not as resourceful as it used to be in that sense, but there's still a lot of positives about the site. Also, if you happen to really like a particular manga-ka, you can browse many of their related scanlated (and non-scanlated) works as well. Add a non-scanlated work onto your wishlist and if some group releases it down the road, it'll appear on your release page. It's a user based database, so a lot of the information that does appear on there has been added by users [and admins]. It's probably the first page I open when I open my browser XD

    And I absolutely get where you're coming from, too. People with normal working hours don't have enough time [and energy] in the day to invest in doing all the work to keep up with manga. It's a casual hobby for some and just a nice way to wind down at the end of the day for others. I think you're one of a number of BL readers that has a valid reason for using aggregators. What irks some people (me especially) are the entitled individuals that tend to spend hours/days/long periods of time reading on aggregators, then demanding the next chapter, but won't devote a little bit more of that time to support the scanlators for doing this in their free time (like a simple thank you on their web page after a release or any release at all) or respecting their rules. There's also people who are genuinely ignorant about the way scanlation works, so I guess that contributes to the problem as well.

    The aggregator's disregard for any type of rules works both ways though, since they'll upload pirated licensed work too. They'll also upload work that some private scanlation groups only share with their "private" groups, so that's a boon for many. And sometimes you'll get people who don't want to start a real scanlation group and only want to translate a couple of chapters b/c of fandom, demand etc. and that'll get shared here but it won't show up on mangaupdates. It's why I tend to use both MU and mangago.

    But honestly, if you're not hard-core and you're just looking to casually browse and read, I see nothing wrong with you just using MU and mangago. I don't speak for every scanlator, but believe me when I say a number of scanlators hold differing views about their scanlations. Some of them don't mind that you're not on their page praising them (though I'm sure it wouldn't hurt ;)) and they don't care about their stuff being on aggregators. Some of them do it purely for the passion of it and won't put restrictions on how their work is shared because they want everyone to read it. Don't feel guilty or let anyone guilt you into having to create a tumblr and following every group out of any obligation as long as you mind the rules (which are usually on their credit page). I'm sure many of them would like the follow, but it's not necessary given how you view and read manga. Canis is one of a few BL manga whose group is super protective about their scanlations (with good reason), but a majority won't mind how you enjoy or read their scanlations because you got to share in something they also love. That's what scanlation is and should be about at the end of the day - a shared passion for the content we enjoy. Anyway, I'm sooo sorry about that long ramble, once I get started it's hard to quit.

    By the way, I've definitely come to enjoy Canis quite a deal as well. I was originally going to quit after reading about the first couple, but this second installment has got me hooked. I can't wait to see where it goes. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Guilty Bystander June 19, 2018 10:08 pm
    You're welcome! (⌒▽⌒) MU is a great resource, I've been using it for many years and the interface is so much better than mangago for keeping up with what you're reading and its releases. They used to have... Lint

    I enjoy the long rambles, don't worry! It's nice to talk to people who are pretty neutral about the scanlation world, and who simply want to enjoy what they love (without trampling on scanlators' wishes!). At the very least, I use an adblocker so that the aggregators don't generate any revenue from my views (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    So, I actually went to check out the scanlator's tumblr, and apparently they've been getting a few messages from people coming from mangago or other aggregator sites, regarding any alternatives for readers to support the scan groups (but still use a convenient method to enjoy manga), and I saw that they suggested MangaDex! Apparently it's an upcoming alternative to Batoto, though some scanlators still prefer not to have their work uploaded anywhere but their main blogs/sites. So I'll definitely use MangaUpdates and MangaDex when I can, and just go to the actual scanlator blogs for any groups that don't want their stuff uploaded anywhere but their blog. I'll definitely pay more attention to credit pages now too! For any manga that don't have credit pages requesting that the scans remain off of aggregators, I'll happily enjoy them here :).

    And I agree about Canis! I tend to prefer fluff and happy stuff, so I had only started to read the second portion because I was hoping for more fluff from the first couple. But I'm absolutely HOOKED on the second story now! It's heartbreaking, but the plot is so interesting (and I literally can't get enough of the incredible art style), I'm so happy that I kept on reading! I'll probably join the forums over at MangaDex just so that I can scream about this manga when the next chapter is released!!