People will likely hate me but I have to say it: That girl is a brat. I don't know if that...

animana June 13, 2018 9:46 pm

People will likely hate me but I have to say it: That girl is a brat.
I don't know if that is the usual way to raise a child in Korea, but if you do that they will grow up to be selfish and self-centered monsters. Parents have to obligation to educate the kids so they will turn into good adults and not let the children do whatever they want without learning about limits. The world has rules and limits and if the kid doesn't learn it the easy way while growing up, they will have to learn the hard way by having problems as adults. Or, their parents will have to use power and money to keep on breaking the rules for them the rest of their lives.

    animana June 13, 2018 9:49 pm

    Though, it is probably not the kind of thing people would worry about when reading a manga. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    เคท June 13, 2018 10:48 pm

    I don’t hate you for this, I see where you’re coming from but remember there’s always children like this around the world! Not just Korea, I was kind of like her as a child, I think it’s completely normal for children to have this sort of personality, I’m pretty sure she will become educated as she becomes older, childhood is kind of more easy-going Don’t you think? She’s still young so she’s still learning, but yeah don’t think about it too seriously.

    Noesje June 13, 2018 11:04 pm

    In korea they do treat children a bit more freely... I guess. It's especially bad if it's their only child and when they are pretty. But like the other commenter said, children basically don't know anything yet and just do what comes to mind. She seems to be 4-6 years old, so.. But yeah the parent is a bit too lenient in my opinion as well, but it seems like all other manga's and manwha's with children they are all like this. So maybe it is an idealized version but I do think it is something to do with culture.

    animana June 13, 2018 11:09 pm
    I don’t hate you for this, I see where you’re coming from but remember there’s always children like this around the world! Not just Korea, I was kind of like her as a child, I think it’s completely norm... เคท

    Yes, children are usually like that because they are naturally self-centred. It is part of the psychological development and that is why I pointed out the importance of the education provided by the parents. They are the ones that will show to the children that they aren't the centre of the world. It just bothered me to see how every adult was acting as if listening to all the demands of the girl was the normal and correct thing to do. But, yes, you are right, there are parents like that all around the world and not only in Korea.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 11:37 pm

    Haha I agree with you. My older step sister was like that too, crybaby and spoiled when young. She grew up to be extra privileged whiny adult.

    Fallen June 14, 2018 4:39 am

    Well Yena seems like in kindergarten at most. She is very much excitable and emotional and think about it this way. It might have gotten worse since her mom left her. She seems to know her mom is not coming back and that she only has her dad now. She's not used to it at all since she probably did a lot with her mom at home playing and hobby wise. She's used to doing things a certain way and her dad is well.... an imbecile when it comes to children's tastes. He knows Yena likes tomatoes but he doesn't really think "Yena probably needs something that's more bite sized." or "Yena would probably like a princess doll since those are popular for kids her age." He only knew she wanted a doll with a pretty dress. Her dad is fumbling around as a father. He is newly divorced and has to deal with the stress and depression from that on top of now being the sole care giver of his daughter.
    I don't know how things are for kids in divorced or separated families but I'm sure it's more stressful than it appears in this comic.(?)
    Also... I'm starting to wonder how much Yena's mother Ah So Min actually acted as a parent. I mean no one is perfect and kids can be trouble makers but who runs off a bus because someone they've met a couple times is near the park? I mean my parents taught me about bus safety when I was in kindergarten....

    Tots agree November 1, 2018 7:47 pm

    The scene when the observing adults in the background from chapter one were saying "Why doesn't he just buy her the doll" had me double taking it. XD I used to be whiney too, not as bad as her, but to some degree, the difference is that I had a strict mom, and different living circumstances. If my mother bought every single toy I wanted. We'd probably be broke.