ok honestly i kept up with this manhwa to see if alex would ever change but. nope. this is...

shinji June 13, 2018 6:06 pm

ok honestly i kept up with this manhwa to see if alex would ever change but. nope. this is absolute garbage there is no redemption and dg's friend needs to beat his ass. and to everyone saying dg is just as bad as alex, u should go google and read about abusive relationships. like seriously damn i hope yall never date people if u have that little compassion.

    clouds June 13, 2018 6:25 pm

    Jiwon isn't that bad, try seeing things from his perspective.

    Most other yaoi mangas that show characters who are in actual relationship take

    clouds June 13, 2018 6:26 pm
    Jiwon isn't that bad, try seeing things from his perspective.Most other yaoi mangas that show characters who are in actual relationship take clouds

    Just forget the last bit, can't be bothered to write some big explanation anymore... (▰˘◡˘▰)

    maychan June 13, 2018 7:13 pm

    if you want to see a real abusive relationship, go read "a guy like you" and if he really was that bad, he won't even agree to a date at all since Alex don't see him has his romantic partner. at all. so yeas calm down from the hate ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Alex act like a dog here and it really isn't typicel in most yaoi or that Seme will wash their "sex partner's" after the sex.

    clouds June 13, 2018 7:25 pm
    if you want to see a real abusive relationship, go read "a guy like you" and if he really was that bad, he won't even agree to a date at all since Alex don't see him has his romantic partner. at all. so yeas ca... maychan

    Yep, let alone kiss them and stretch them out. It's usually just shove it in , obviously from the back , don't want to see that face now, then wham bam and out the door. That is even how some actual couples in yaoi behave let alone just "sex partners". Jiwon has been pretty considerate, yes he's not Mr affectionate, but at the end of the day DG isn't his boyfriend and he's already kissing him which is more than enough considering.


    shinji June 13, 2018 7:33 pm
    Yep, let alone kiss them and stretch them out. It's usually just shove it in , obviously from the back , don't want to see that face now, then wham bam and out the door. That is even how some actual couples i... clouds

    u know i was gonna respond to this but yaoi fans love to delude themselves into thinking their favorite seme is a good person or whatever so fine. i said what i wantd to say and so did u but i know what abuse is and this is it. and maybe u shoud have some higher standards for what u want in another person before u pursue any relationships

    clouds June 13, 2018 7:36 pm
    u know i was gonna respond to this but yaoi fans love to delude themselves into thinking their favorite seme is a good person or whatever so fine. i said what i wantd to say and so did u but i know what abuse i... shinji

    It's not real life, it's a fictional character. Yes Jiwon fucked up when he used the dildo, yes he's an insecure twat at times, but relatively even in comparison to other manga's where people don't complain about "abuse" like say ten count, he's pretty considerate.

    Sonia June 13, 2018 8:20 pm
    It's not real life, it's a fictional character. Yes Jiwon fucked up when he used the dildo, yes he's an insecure twat at times, but relatively even in comparison to other manga's where people don't complain abo... clouds

    I agree to some extent, since other manga's can be a lot worse.
    It does remain, however, a terrible, abusive relationship, even if there are worse examples.

    This is called the fallacy of relative privation, where the fallacy ignores problems by introducing bigger problems. It ultimately leads to a paradox, as there can always exist a bigger evil. Thus, I think your second point wasn't logical.
    (I'm not a native English speaker, so apologies if I've made any grammatical errors. )

    caroline4323 June 13, 2018 8:23 pm

    Sorry, but if you don´t see Alex changing you must be blind.. :)
    It´s all for the sake of the story and anyway, people don´t change quickly..
    But we´ve already seen Alex being taken aback by his feelings that seem to be new to him and it´s hilarious when he gets all shocked and surprised :).
    It will take some chapters but he is getting there and if the writer does his/her job as masterfully as up to now it is going to be hilarious. :)

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:23 pm

    Byee, He said in the beginning that he wouldn’t be nice with DG, and DG choose to be with him. If you don’t like, don’t read it, it won’t make a difference for the author bc you’re reading here not in Lezhin

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:33 pm
    Byee, He said in the beginning that he wouldn’t be nice with DG, and DG choose to be with him. If you don’t like, don’t read it, it won’t make a difference for the author bc you’re reading here not in... @Anonymous

    So if Alex warned DG that he 'wouldn't be nice' with him, it automatically makes up for his abuse? That's indicating that the abuse is DG's own fault. That sounds messed up, doesn't it?

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:39 pm
    Sorry, but if you don´t see Alex changing you must be blind.. :)It´s all for the sake of the story and anyway, people don´t change quickly..But we´ve already seen Alex being taken aback by his feelings that... caroline4323

    That boi better be making amends for being an abusive asshole

    Tsundere June 13, 2018 8:55 pm
    That boi better be making amends for being an abusive asshole @Anonymous

    If you don't like don't read that's all! Don't bother who love this smanhwa!

    clouds June 13, 2018 8:56 pm
    So if Alex warned DG that he 'wouldn't be nice' with him, it automatically makes up for his abuse? That's indicating that the abuse is DG's own fault. That sounds messed up, doesn't it? @Anonymous

    When was he "abusive"? DG doesn't seem to be unhappy with what happened, and instead wants to be with him more. It's warped, and in real life you would view them as two flawed individuals, but this is yaoi logic where men can bloody get pregnant.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 9:02 pm
    When was he "abusive"? DG doesn't seem to be unhappy with what happened, and instead wants to be with him more. It's warped, and in real life you would view them as two flawed individuals, but this is yaoi logi... clouds

    many victims don't recognize abusive behaviour. I find Alex shoving a 10-inch dildo up DG's ass while he was pleading for him to stop a little more than warped. But I do agree, it's not just Alex that's flawed

    clouds June 13, 2018 9:07 pm
    many victims don't recognize abusive behaviour. I find Alex shoving a 10-inch dildo up DG's ass while he was pleading for him to stop a little more than warped. But I do agree, it's not just Alex that's flawed @Anonymous

    No shit, we don't need a whole run down of why abuse victims justify the abuse or can't even recognise it as being abuse in the first place... why, because it's a fictional yaoi tale. You know yaoi, where logic goes out the window. Meaning DG despite being double penetrated wants to go on a date with his "good looking hyung" and thinks nothing of the event, they likely will both end up together.

    Anonymous (2) June 13, 2018 9:18 pm
    No shit, we don't need a whole run down of why abuse victims justify the abuse or can't even recognise it as being abuse in the first place... why, because it's a fictional yaoi tale. You know yaoi, where logic... clouds

    And that is exactly my point. The 'yaoi logic' is applied to bad, poorly written concepts, such as this one. A good work would actually make a character resemble a person with depth, instead of this two dimensional character.

    clouds June 13, 2018 9:28 pm
    And that is exactly my point. The 'yaoi logic' is applied to bad, poorly written concepts, such as this one. A good work would actually make a character resemble a person with depth, instead of this two dimensi... @Anonymous (2)

    DG for example isn't the most realistic character. In real life if you found out your friend had an addiction to a sex cam website, and that they got a part time job solely to feed said addiction it wouldn't be regarded as "cute cinamonroll" behaviour now would it. Just as seeing a character like DG not being able to have any growth or realistic reaction to what he is facing, isn't reflective either. If the author portrayed him as stalker who is secretly manipulating Jiwon, or being an abuse victim that feels he deserves to be hurt "An easy target" for example, or as an adult that can tell someone to fuck of when needs be instead of currently this rather deluded fan boy that hasn't really had much character development. It's still early days though, and I think the pace of the plot and the characters are fine. It's yaoi reality, they are going to end up together and we as readers have to go through mental gymnastics and either accept or drop it. Shacking up with your super fan when you are scared your identity will be leaked isn't the best of ideas either. (⌒▽⌒)

    caroline4323 June 13, 2018 9:39 pm
    And that is exactly my point. The 'yaoi logic' is applied to bad, poorly written concepts, such as this one. A good work would actually make a character resemble a person with depth, instead of this two dimensi... @Anonymous (2)

    There are different types of manhwa. Some do resemble reality, some are harlequin stories, some are reflecting some psychological even philosophical issues using this genre, and some use this genre to write fun and enjoyable stories.
    You don´t expect James Bond to be realistic or less of a macho, because that would be the right thing..

    Anonymous (3) /I really need t June 13, 2018 9:48 pm
    DG for example isn't the most realistic character. In real life if you found out your friend had an addiction to a sex cam website, and that they got a part time job solely to feed said addiction it wouldn't b... clouds

    Though I wasn't a big fan of 'An easy target' due to its heavy rape scenes, I think the writer handled the characters brilliantly. I absolutely despised them as people, but appreciated them as a part of the story.

    And DG suits my argument just as much as Alex, but that wasn't the point. The point was that yaoi logic is just an excuse for poor writing.

    I'm curious about the development of this story, so I'll stick a bit longer. (=・ω・=)

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 9:52 pm
    So if Alex warned DG that he 'wouldn't be nice' with him, it automatically makes up for his abuse? That's indicating that the abuse is DG's own fault. That sounds messed up, doesn't it? @Anonymous

    Right, I think Jiwon is using this as an excuse to justify his dickwad behavior. Also, he himself forgot about the deal when he was taking his jealousy out on DG with the dildo. For some reason DG is not reacting to the abuse like an average person. It's even not like he is hiding some kind of inner turmoil... more like he is just super resistant to taking punishment.