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carol_L June 13, 2018 5:09 am two artworks in the past week Lihuan and Yuyang in drag. You must see.

    clouds June 13, 2018 5:13 am

    Not really, maybe it's more cultural, but presenting gay men in drag or as being more feminine tends to have homophobic motives. That likely isn't the authors intent, but showing gay men as being the sissy or pansy character is best saved for the 1950's.

    carol_L June 13, 2018 5:15 am
    Not really, maybe it's more cultural, but presenting gay men in drag or as being more feminine tends to have homophobic motives. That likely isn't the authors intent, but showing gay men as being the sissy or p... clouds

    Should I have just said cross dressing? I had a bad feeling after I posted that.

    clouds June 13, 2018 5:23 am
    Should I have just said cross dressing? I had a bad feeling after I posted that. carol_L

    But cross dressing, drag as being seen as something associated with just being gay is s bit odd, and has it's roots in thinking that gay men aren't "real men" or are more feminine. The author probably thought it was just a bit of fun, and likely meant no harm, but it does oddly seem a common trope in countries like China, Japan. SK that in their media still show gay men as being camp, wearing strong makeup which seems quite dated and not very reflective.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 5:23 am
    Should I have just said cross dressing? I had a bad feeling after I posted that. carol_L

    Who cares? Sensible people will take your post the right way and pessimists will always find a fault, don't worry

    carol_L June 13, 2018 5:26 am

    It is very late and I am tired and I might have said the wrong thing. I did not mean to offend.

    clouds June 13, 2018 5:36 am
    It is very late and I am tired and I might have said the wrong thing. I did not mean to offend. carol_L

    It's okay. The whole cross dressing/drag trope seems to be quite common in regards to how gay men are presented in SK, China and Japan but that doesn't mean it can't be seen as odd, dated and criticised. But if people like the anon above just want to be simplstic and say Yuyang looks cute in a dress, then fair enough, but it represents wider issues with homophobia in those countries (where being gay isn't illegal but they are still denied human rights we have in European countries). It's a bit regressive to assume that if a character is gay then they would want to dress up as a woman, save that for Carry on films of the past.

    clouds June 13, 2018 6:26 am
    It's okay. The whole cross dressing/drag trope seems to be quite common in regards to how gay men are presented in SK, China and Japan but that doesn't mean it can't be seen as odd, dated and criticised. But i... clouds

    (Seeing as it's an opportunity to moan about such tropes)... I'm sure many people in the comments would have a fit if Yuyang was the one who ended up being the one getting fucked, because apparently the "uke" character has to be some tiny, basically replacement woman for some readers. I'm thinking of the reaction that the detective couple in "I'm yours blood and soul" got, people actually went so far to say that they couldn't take the detective seriously anymore, as if he had been emasculated, just because he was physically bigger and older than his 'seme" partner, who was short, young, abused as a kid, all the common stereotypes. Seriously, so even on comment sections like this, tropes about equating 2 men to having to be more female are pretty common and pretty awful.

    clouds June 13, 2018 6:29 am
    (Seeing as it's an opportunity to moan about such tropes)... I'm sure many people in the comments would have a fit if Yuyang was the one who ended up being the one getting fucked, because apparently the "uke" c... clouds

    *brain not working today, that should be "people in the comments would have a fit if Lihaun was the one who ended up being the one getting fucked"

    Basically some people would have objections if their tiny cute Yuyang wasn't the "uke" and if Lihaun wasn't the "seme" just as they complained when in "Im yours blood and soul" the detective ended up being the one receiving. Seriously the comments there were pretty bad, if anyone wants to read them.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 6:41 am
    Not really, maybe it's more cultural, but presenting gay men in drag or as being more feminine tends to have homophobic motives. That likely isn't the authors intent, but showing gay men as being the sissy or p... clouds

    Your comment is so Ironic because youre being very ignorant and homophobic with your comment LOL many men including my gay brother like to wear make up sometimes and "Girl" clothes. Thats just how it is. Your comment is problematic and hypocritical because youre basically saying men that wear girly clothes arent real men. Men like to be more feminine and wear Girl clothes " and thats ok some do some dont. Its best to leave your comment in he 1950's because its honestly odd for you to see a man in "girl clothes " and think its wrong because it makes them look too sissy...

    clouds June 13, 2018 7:14 am
    Your comment is so Ironic because youre being very ignorant and homophobic with your comment LOL many men including my gay brother like to wear make up sometimes and "Girl" clothes. Thats just how it is. Your c... @Anonymous

    Babe, it has nothing to do with men wanting to wear cosmetics and more feminine clothing but to how gay men are still presented in Asian countries as being these camp, feminine caricatures by default. Sorry, but you are an idiot if you can't see the issues with how gay men in Asian countries are mostly presented in their main stream media as being, over the top, camp people, what was known elsewhere as the "sissy" stereotype.

    China, Japan, South Korea don't have more normal representation of LGBT, such as openely gay politicians, or having television shows that don't usually equate being gay to, oh they must be camp, let's put them in some over the top make up too.. So, let's see it from a gay kid growing up in China's perspective, you wont get sent to prison for jail, nbut your parents might refer you to a psychiatrist, or even try gay conversion therapy which isn't yet illegal, you also face discrimination in the law as you can't get married, and most of the media representation you see of gay people like yourself is these camp, effeminate characters rather than more normal, realistic depictions.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 7:28 am
    Babe, it has nothing to do with men wanting to wear cosmetics and more feminine clothing but to how gay men are still presented in Asian countries as being these camp, feminine caricatures by default. Sorry, bu... clouds

    There you do being a hypocrite again. "Babe" get out of here with that condescending sexist shit. Gay Men as a whole get stereotyped as being Feminine period no matter where you are. Because of this streotyped he mainstream media has been using "masculine" men as the representaion of gay men and leaving out androgynous and more feminine men in the back burner. The whole point of accepting people as people and letting them wear whatever the fuck they want is being able to see a guy in "womens" clothes and not go into a tantrum of its meaning when people dont talkt that way when women wear "Guy" clothes.

    Im Mexican and its the same thing as you described in China and again its homophobic to look at this stuff and say it has homophobic tendency when in Mexico it has the similar if not WORSE perspecive and my brother who is mexican and grew up in a homophobic household cant wear make up and a dress if he wants because of ignorant views such as your own. Btw you can call me an idiot all you want but it doesnt hide your ignorance and im not sorry for calling it out.

    clouds June 13, 2018 7:38 am
    There you do being a hypocrite again. "Babe" get out of here with that condescending sexist shit. Gay Men as a whole get stereotyped as being Feminine period no matter where you are. Because of this streotyped ... @Anonymous

    Calling someone baby, love etc isn't considered "sexist shit here" though, just as how in the media in this country it would be rare to see a gay character being presented in drag or as a camp stereotype as it comes off as dated and from a time when it was used to promote rather homophobic views like "gay men are more feminine".

    It's sad then that in Mexico you haven't progressed from this if you think nothing is wrong with equating being gay to wanting to dress or act like a woman. Also this has fuck all to do with men wanting to break gender norms and wear a dress, but centuries old depictions of gay men being stereotyped as "not real men" camp, feminine etc. When most mainstream depictions of gay men in china are of average men, doing average jobs, with average worries (just like how straight men are portrayed), and that there is visible real representation with "out" politicians and celebrities, just like in other countries then we will have some progress instead of most depictions showing gay men as this old fashioned stereotype, that in other countries we moved on from decades ago.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:06 am
    Calling someone baby, love etc isn't considered "sexist shit here" though, just as how in the media in this country it would be rare to see a gay character being presented in drag or as a camp stereotype as it... clouds

    Basically you're an annoying ignorant troll that has no friends in real life and is everything they hate so they comment and reply to everyone else comments. sad fuck lol

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:09 am
    Calling someone baby, love etc isn't considered "sexist shit here" though, just as how in the media in this country it would be rare to see a gay character being presented in drag or as a camp stereotype as it... clouds

    You maze ZERO AND I MEAN ZERO sense. Now your last paragraph you seem to be going back on your own argument. No one is equating being gay to being more feminine but yourself which is the ironic part LMAO You lierally have an issue with the author dressing The main characters in a gosh damn dress and said it was homophobic when many men like to dress that way gay or not. That is a fact and the author was representing that very well and you somehow found an issue with that. Please stop being so self absorb and realize how ignorant you are being and how much of a hypocrite you are.

    Anonymous June 13, 2018 8:13 am
    It is very late and I am tired and I might have said the wrong thing. I did not mean to offend. carol_L

    The only thing wrong I can see you said was using the word "Drag" incorrectly but honestly theres nohing wrong with them wearing those clothes clouds is just very ignorant