Um... No. The first few times they had sex weren't "both" their faults... Dojin clearly resisted and looked shocked, you REALLY have to keep in mind that he's an alpha, a dominant alpha, that has omega pheromones being directed at him. The pheromones of his fated pair as evidenced by him saying "i understand now... My omega" in ch 20. The 2nd genders really ARE everything, not "excuses". The 4th time? No, it wasn't rape. It was the pheromones again. I'll go over the scene with you quickly. Hyesung is under the misunderstanding that Dojin is using him for inspiration, so he's trying to leave and since he's mad he won't let Dojin talk to explain things. Dojin tries to ask him to stay, but he's basically RUNNING out the door and refusing to talk so Dojin gets upset and accidentally lets slip a small amount of pheromones. Hyesung says "are you threatening me? Is that all you've got?" and Dojin, offended that Hyesung would imply that he even WOULD threaten him decides to make a point that he's never forced Hyesung to do anything by fully releasing his pheromones. This is followed by Hyesung saying "these are Dojin's pheromones?" because Dojin's never used them on him so he doesn't know till now how strong they are and then Dojin says "have i ever let my pheromones out around you? I was nice to you, i let you make yourself at home" before you can visibly see his eyes glaze over and his speech start ending in "..."s which shows his speech is trailing off. Hyesung then says "his eyes... Get ahold of yourself!" to indicate that Dojin's eyes had glazed over and that he was unconscious. No one raped anyone, it ALL couldn't be helped. In ch 20 Dojin even says "i lost all control. I acted like those alphas i despise". He says he "despises" those actions, so he "despises" rape, but was conscious and intentionally doing it?

You're awesome for stating things as they are and not looking through some love lens like most users here.

Still doesn't chance the fact that the characters are annoying. We really need a better class of yaoi, not this bad romance.

Thanks sis. Gonna hit you up on on that. Goes to show how pathetic the 21st century is. Wish these authors would stop writing if they can't give us some legit content.

If you think so, fine, but idk why you had to tell ME. My message wasn't at you and your response doesn't really address anything i said, your response just seems so left field. It's like you just broke into our conversation talking about a different topic. Like, alright, you think it's bad. I don't? Not sure what to say. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

You do have a point but correct me if I'm wrong but I said that it was rape since Hyesung didn't wanted it the last time.
I'm not saying that Dojin is a rapist but he did comite the same as one be it under influce or not of his Alpha side.
I suck at examples but it's the same as when Ppl drink alcohol and force someone into sex with them. That is also rape and the drunk one wouldn't even probably have done something like that normally even tough in this case it's the whole AOB case but you know what I'm getting at?
Hyesung do also has a lot of fault in this.


I suppose you could look at it that way, but that really just seems sad, by that logic they're just raping each other rather than that it couldn't be helped and the can move on. That line of thinking also ignores the omegaverse rules involving biology, the entire IDEA is that it "can't be helped" once the pheromones are involved between an alpha and omega. There is still actual rape, of course, but that's determined by intentions since instinctual sex exists now.

That applies to ever manhwa. Some of us have opinions about what we like and don't.
Saw a lot of people discussing this I want to put my opiniion in too.
So first of all yes. The Uke is a bit annoying in matters of the way he treats the Seme.
But here we have to keep in mind how traumatized he is. As far as we saw he was abused my his father and his mother isn't also there for any support. On top of that he got the news that he is an Omega after 20 years and got caught up in a lot of situations adding to his Trauma.
But that doesn't excuse how he treats the Seme.
The first heat that hit him they both were at fault. Since the Seme was by his senses but the Uke also kept tempting and not letting him go. The Seme had tried to pull away more than once.
The seconde one is also kind of both of their fault. Once again the Uke kept pressuring the Seme and he was kind enough to at least use a condom and mind you that he did not touch him till after putting the condom on.
The third time? It did was some sort of rape. But be honest. How long can we blame it on the pheromones and on their second gender?
That the fourth time was a clear act of rape isn't to be denied.
And in addition the Uke acts really selfish while the Seme tries to make everything right.
The Seme should have approached this situation in a more tought trought way and the Uke should learn to appreciate but I hope that will come with the following Chapters.
The Uke even during his pregnancy really still acts selfish. Only in Chapter 24 did I saw a bit of remorse! But couldn't find the following chapters after that. So yeah.
Keep the gramatical mistakes as a present from me