One hell of a good manga, I want to read too :(
...Let's see... The guy had brown hair, I think. I know that it wasn't colored black in the manga, but I don't remember the colored version. I also think that he wore glasses, but not when she was taking pictures of him. And I don't remember him having long hair- I think it was average length. Sorry, I don't remember anything about the girl. And it was a school setting, but I think it was at a college- i don't remember anyone wearing uniforms and it was probably a school art competition. I read it more than 5 years ago. Sorry that this wasn't more helpful. -_-''
It's been a really really long time since I read it, so hopefully I'll give correct info, but my memory is fuzzy.
Alright, so the story is about a guy who is doing some kind of submission for an art festival or for an art project or something. And then he hires the girl to model for him (or maybe she asks him, I don't remember). And then they have sex (I don't remember if it was throughout the modelling period or it it was a one night stand). Either way, the guy seemed to brush it off (I think he was really popular?). And then came the day of the art festival, and the girl decided to submit something anonymously. What she submitted was either a group of pictures or of a movie, and it was of the different faces he made during their sexual intercourse (she wasn't in it- it was just his face). It wasn't out of malice or revenge, but to make a statement to him that the sex meant something to her. And I remember that everyone was shocked by the entry (because you can clearly see that it was his face during sex, plus he's popular?). And then he and the girl got together.
Does anyone have any idea what it is? Thank you in advance!