The president isnt an asshole. He trully loves the uke and has helped him a lot all these years but he is involved in some serious stuff that puts the uke and his life in REAL danger he is even threatened to breakup with the uke so he has no choice but to let him go and even after the breakup he still looks after him. They truly loved each other too bad due to life cicrumstances it wasnt meant to be.

------- Spoiler --------
First let me tell you abot Mr Yoon's (president) past. He was forced to marry a woman who is some bigshot heir and of course his marriage was a total disaster there was no love and they didnt even lived together anymore his only relative was his mother who passed away in a nursing home. He is the son of some rich guy's mistress. He is very rich.
Some time ago
Mr Yoon traveled from Korea to New york to be one of the judges of an advertisement award. After the event is over a random guy (Mr Woo the uke) shows up at his place in New York. Mr Woo tells Mr Yoon that he went to find him cause he was the only Korean judge of the event and since he cant speak english properly he thought that he could have a chance to explain things to him better. He claims that the winner advertisement was his work tho it was somehow stolen from him he is desperate and Mr Yoon find his desperation somehow interesting since he himself has never been desperate his whole life so he dicide to become his sponsor (at this point they have no love relationship whatsoever and Mr Yoon is not interested on Mr Woo that way) he helps Mr Woo to develop his talents by letting him stay at his house and pay for his tuiton without any ulterior motives aside from finding interesting to see how he growls tho Mr Woo (uke) starts to have love feelings for Mr Yoon , he kisses Mr Yoon while he thinks he is asleep. Once Mr Yoon realises that the uke has love feelings for him he decided to end their relationship by telling him that he need to return to Korea soon, the uke says its fine since he also have offers to go to LA tho he asks Mr Yoon to keep in touch with him, Mr Yoon is assertive and says that they cant since he is MARRIED (he says this to kill any hopes that the uke might have about getting in a romantic relationship with him). Important to note that so far they are nothing but friends and that Mr Yoon dont see the uke that way. Before he returns to Korea Mr Yoon found something weird, he found out that every single doctor that took care of his mother quit and went into hidding so he decided to investigate and learns that his mother was actually killed (in the story they say she was killed by "the group" they dont explain clearly but its probably his biological father family). Once he learns she was killed he breaks down overwhelmed by guilty since he thinks he couldve saved her if he paid more atention through all that misery Mr Woo (uke) stood by his side, he declined his offer to LA and stood by him thats when their love begins. Mr Yoon decides to go back to Korea to take revenge, he starts by pretending to run a failing company to avoid atention because of that the uke kinda of "sacrificed" his talents, since he could be working in a much better place, just to be together with Mr Yoon that makes the president love him even more. Thats when the story begins. They truly love each other tho as you can see Mr Yoon has a lot of issues in his private life, he is married tho its only on paper since they dont even live together also his father's family is dangerous and kill people. As the story develops Mr Yoon is more and more pressured by his father (The thing is his father wants to make him the heir but his family doesnt want it, his only chance to be accepted is to keep his marriage with the loaded woman) his father hires a 24/7 bodyguard to watch his every step and his wife reaproachs him (she refuses to give him divorce) then happens a murder attempt, Mr Yoon was in a car being drove by the 24/7 bodyguard hired by his father the bodyguard dies in spot, Mr Yoon almost died but somehow he survives and recieves a threat text, it seems his father family tried to kill him for real tho they failed. He decides to put an end to it, he asks for the divorce ( if he is divorced his father family will fell less threatened of him becoming the heir) also being divorced means he can be with Mr Woo for good, he tells his wife he can never love her but she doesnt accept then while Mt Yoon is still in the hospital she kidnaps Mr Woo(uke) and tries to make Mr Yoon believe that the ones who are kidnapping Mr Woo is his father's family, he doesnt fall for it tho he knows that the one who kidnaped Mr Woo was her since she is the only one who knows about their relationship. Thats when his wife says " You dont have a choice anymore, you still think that if you give up on your revenge and divorce me youll be able to be happy with your lover and move on but if you divorce me ill have nothing more to lose Im not leaving you alone in peace if you insult me this way your only choice is to stick with your revenge" in other words even tho Mr Yoon already decided to give up on his revenge and chose to live with Mr Woo happily ever after, his wife blocked him by threatening him saying that if he divorces her she will hut Mr Woon since she has nothing to lose. At this point there is nothing Mr Yoon can do anymore if he divorces and stay with Mr Woo his wife will kill Mr Woo, also his own life is still in danger since his father's family still wants his head and its only a matter of time before they discover that Mr Yoon loves Mr Woon and go for his head too. He decides to break up with him, the break up is really harsh he didnt even meet Mr Woo cause he knew that if he meet him in person he would loose his resolve also the less they are seen together the better that way Mr Woo wont be target. Mr Yoon steps out of the president postion but before doing so he tells the new president to take really good care of Mr Woo. Mr Woo suffers quite a lot since he loved Mr Yoon very very much -- while all these things happened Taeyul was always supporting the uke he is actually a great friend btw --. So yeah its pretty much it about Mr Yoon and Mr Woo relationship they really really loved each other tho there are too many psychos arround Mr Yoon he just cant let Mr Woo get caught by them. Tayeul is a really good guy too even tho you are team president Im pretty sure youll love Tayeul too he helps the uke in many many ways. Also the uke wont just forget Mr Yoon and jump into Taeyuls arms like happens in many yaois, it will actually take some time for it to happen, they will bind as friends first. I hope you like reading cause this is a really long post LOL (●'◡'●)ノ

thanks so much for your efforts! so glad to see where this will be heading :)

I just finished reading up untill chapter 56 and oh my god taeyul is such an amazing lover.So caring, so uplifting.He is the kind of man I would wish for if i had a genie.God Damn it how is it that both the leads are so freaking amazing in this manga.I swear to god stories like this have completely ruined real guys for me. NEVER GONNA FIND MYSELF A TAEYUL ╥﹏╥

Yep and if you're from India. Like I am. The guys like taeyul are freaking unicorns.

But what about mr woo ? does he end up happy too or still in danger and forced to live a life he doesnt want ?

Final spoilers :
First let me start by crushing you hearts and telling you Mr Woo does not have a really happy ending, its not sad either but yeah... remember when I told you he was fighting his biological family with the support of his biological dad in orther to get his revenge? At some point for some untold reasons his dad turns his back on him and he loses, because of that he is forced to live in the same facility (the one that belongs to his family) that his mother was killed, his family intended to kill him a couple months/weeks later. The only one who has the power to save him from this situation is his loaded wife, she can give up some previlegies, by betraying her own family and save him, but she only does that with one condition, wich youll find oud later in this post.
Going back in time a little bit, before all this happened. Right after Mr Woo broke up the MC, Mr Yoon was in a slump for some time and during this time Taeyul gave him all the support, he was a great friend he helped him in many ways to get his shit together you have to read the real thing in orther to feel their love ofc, so they became a couple. Taeyul and Yoon really love each other, Taeyul calls him "Naush" wich means Naughty Fish, at this point Mr Yoon already loves Taeyul more than he loves Mr Woo, he still didnt forget him ofc but Taeyul is his number 1 now. They start to live together, they are really happy but then one day they meet Mr Woo's wife at the company. Seeing her shakes Mr Yoon world a little bit, he remembers everything that has happened so he decided to stop working in the company, Taeyul intends to leave the company too once he settles things. Taeyul finds out they are having a divorce and because of that he "forbides" Mr Yoon to live his apartment to prevent him from finding out, he is scared Mr Yoon might want to go back to Mr Woo - note : Taeyul is the overprotective/ jealousy type, he had a girlfriend who he loved quite much he wanted to marry her but she didnt love him, she betrayed him and left him that relationship left a scar on him, as much as he loved her since she didnt want to be with him anymore there wasnt anything he could do about it -thats the reason why he gets really scared that Mr Yoon might do the same. Mr Yoon asks Taeyul to trust him, he swears he loves him more than anyone, he says he will never leave him so there is no need for him to be that scared, he asks for Taeyul to trust him, so Taeyul decides to trust him, he says its fine for him to go out and buy something for him. When Mr Yoon is out (of the apartment) Mr Woo's wife ambush him, and asks him to get in the car, once he is in the car she explains to him Mr Woo's situation (see the first paragraph), she even lets Mr Yoon meet Mr Woo in the facility to prove her point (their reencounter is so nice to see <3 Mr Woo calls Mr Yoon "baby" with that charming face) she says he can save Mr Woo but she has one condition : Mr Yoon has to disappear for good, he cant contact Mr Woo ever again, he cant work in the same line of work, he cant date Taeyul anymore, he cant tell Taeyul the truth. So Mr Yoon has to make a decision, continue to date Taeyul and let Mr Woo die or save Mr Woo's life and leave Taeyul and everything behind. SO he decides to continue to date Taeyul and Mr Woo DIES.
Joking lol, so He decided to leave Taeyul and everything behind so Mr Woo can live, important to note that he didnt chose Mr Woo over Taeyul, he chose to save Mr Woo's life instead of continue to date Taeyul, thats the choice any decent human being would do right? a person's that you care about life is more important than keeping your boyfriend. Its painful to read this part, Mr Yoon suffers a LOT, Taeyul suffers a LOT, Taeyul thinks he left him because he loved Mr Woo more, because he found out he is getting a divorce, its not this but Mr Yoon cant tell Taeyul the truth if he does then the woman wont save Mr Woo. They break up. Its harsh.
A couple of months goes by, Mr Yoon is now working in a small company with the same guys from the beginning, the 2 ladies and the man. He gets a message on his phone from Mr Woo's wife, she says she and Mr Woo are leaving to USA for good, Mr Woo is legally forbidden to go back to Korea ever (his wife made an agreement with his family), when they are in the plane Mr Woo's wife asks him if he is going to contact Mr Yoon, he answers her by saying he knows what she had to gave up to save him so in consideration of her he wont contact Mr Yoon ever again -he will live the rest of his life with her in USA, I assume-. Before leaving Mr Woo told Taeyul the truth, Taeyul goes after his Naush, once he finds him he says he is fine being his second, he says he fine being his third even, he says its fine if Mr Yoon loves Mr Woo more than he loves him, all that matters to him is that they be together. Mr Yoon explains to him he loves Taeyul more than anyone and that he only did what he did to save Mr Woo's life. The 5 (2 ladies, man, Taeyul and Yoon) of them end working in the same small company just like in the begining, they live happily ever after the end.
My original ship was Mr Woo x Yoon, but trust me you will love to see Taeyul and Yoon together, its awesome you can feel their love, at some point I can even say Id rather Yoon to be with Taeyul. I had my share of bad ships so whenever I see bad pairing I just drop, this one isnt like that, TaeYon is great <3
from the raw it does seem like the president (ex) gone be an asshole
but FK ME HE TOO HOT, DADDY !! half of the population here is team president anyway not the black hair seme