wish it was longer

purge666 June 9, 2018 6:20 pm

wish it was longer

    MayDay April 8, 2020 9:56 pm

    I agree. If it was a bit longer they could have wrapped up the ending a bit better. It felt way to rushed in those last pages.

    Comadrin July 5, 2020 5:36 am

    I agree, if it was longer, the entitled, poor little me, asshole who impregnated an underage girl, could have gotten bored with his daughter and with treating the widow who bore her like shit and showed his true colours, as though he already didn't. My daddy got shot when I was a kid is his excuse for being a screaming wealthy douchebag forever? Give me a f***ing break. I spent half my life dealing with a**holes who felt that they were entitled to their wealth and having everyone else treating them like crown princes when a good part of the time their IQ's would barely have registered. Their perceived angsty tragedies ain't shit compared with a women who can't feed her children when their father runs out and she's treated like shit by the government when she tries to collect enough food stamps to feed the family. I'll save my sympathy for true victims and hope I can help. Victims like him: well boo and hoo, and my sympathy lies between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

    Jaxya August 31, 2020 11:53 pm
    I agree, if it was longer, the entitled, poor little me, asshole who impregnated an underage girl, could have gotten bored with his daughter and with treating the widow who bore her like shit and showed his tru... Comadrin

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