Help me find this

NyukNyukMeowBitch June 9, 2018 3:13 pm

It about 4 or more step-brothers, I think mc was an only son whose mother or farther remarried to a gal or guy who had 3 sons, I then think the parents end up
being killed by an accident or somethin a couple years later, I think mc is the oldest (or he's just this type of person) so he takes care of the other bros, kinda
acting as a parent even though I don't think any of them are that far behind him. Anyway, I don't know if this was before or after dead parents but there's I think
either several time jumps or just 1 time jump, either way, in the present they all either close to being adults or are adults (I think mc is like 21 or somethin),
anyway, they all live together now, with mc acting as kind of a parent, but the story does switch focus away from mc and to the other bros of course. I can't really
remember much but one of the other bros is gay, and the (I think he's the 2nd oldest, not sure though) 2nd oldest bro has a crush on mc/oldest bro, oldest bro finds
out but I don't remember what he does about it, I think he just hides the fact at first, I think it's finished but not really sure, welp, that's all I remember, it's
been stuck in my head so I just want to read it again and catalogue it so I'm not annoyed by it.
