You should do what makes you happy. Its not like this is coming out of left field, if this has been a goal of yours for years go for it.
Also do you want to be with someone who wont support you on your important life decisions? Its your body your choice. Dont give up your dreams to make someone else happy, you will resent them.
Also your 20's are for trying new people, new things, and growing.
Maybe your boyfriend cannot understand why you need or want the rhinoplasty because he finds no faults in your appearance and wishes that you can see what he sees, a beautiful face that doesn't need to be changed.
However, it is your body and i think you should do what makes you feel less regretful.
best of luck xx
I was just wondering if you have sprung this decision on him or if you have let him have time to a just to the idea?
If it's something you have been open about in your relationship then I'm surprised about his reaction.
If it is something that he is hearing for the first time then he could have ligitimit concerns and issues that he needs to discuss with you. (Like medical concerns or he might need reassurance that it's not an impulse decision). He could be giving you the cold shoulder because he feels hurt about being left out of the process. Or even that you don't trust him enough to discuss it with him to get his opinion or just to let him know your decision before you commit.
You need to decide whether the relationship or the surgery is more important to you at this point in time. Weigh up all the advantages and disadvantages of both and what will happen if you do or don't go through with either or both. Don't sugarcoat it for yourself.
From what you have said above it sounds like you really want to get the surgery and have not made this decision lightly. You should try to communicate this with your partner, especially if it is a serious relationship.
Looking into what you will need to do to postpone the surgery may give you an icebreaker. Note that this option will probably cost money if you go through with it (and it pains me to say it living on a tight budget but it's just money). You can always save up again and get it done in the future. (I know that this would be a hassle you may even think it is a waste of resources but you can decide if your relationship is worth it or not).
Communication is very important for long term relationships.I have been with my partner for 10 years and I always discuss major decions with him before I do it. Sometimes just to get his opinion other times to get his support or to let him feel like he is part of the process (because he's a major part of my life and a big decision will affect him to).
I hope this helps you make the right decision for you. Sorry for the essay.
He's not right at all. This is your choice and no one and I mean NO ONE should be allowed to dictate what you do with yourself. You know yourself best so if you think you want surgery on your nose then go do it, it's not his nose so he has no right to try and manipulate you into not doing it. I say go thru with it if you want it, it's your choice and no one else's.
I hope this helps a little and I wish you the best
Just for a slight plastic surgery on the nose? Girl Idk in your country but There's no problem with plastic surgery. That's part of CHANGING something about you. At least in your case, it's JUST the nose. In Korea they'd even change many parts of their bodies because to them, looks comes first and plus plastic surgery is very normal in their country. So if you want to change for the better and he can't even accept that then be it. Maybe in his point of view he already loves you just the way you are but girl, this is like your DREAM starting from 12 years old! And YES you're right it's not like the YOU on the inside will change but you're still you, current nose or after surgery nose, it's still the same you on the inside
Your boyfriend sucks. He shouldve been supportive. He nay be your boyfriend for a long time, but you have your own life; your own body. You're not his possesion for him to be all cold and distant just because you want a change for yourself. I don't see anything wrong having a plastic surgery if that would makw you happy and more confident.
I agree with what some said, it would be best to talk it out with him. And tell him honestly why exactly you want this nose job (like would it make you feel better, more confident and at ease?), how you feel about him threatening to break up (A bit offended and - you didn't write this but - also a bit hurt? I'd imagine I would if that happened to me) and ask him why he said that (like possible reasons: he just likes your nose/ is afraid of sth going wrong/ is afraid of you regretting it/ has a prejudice about plastic surgery).
Communication is key. I assume you wanna keep this relationship going after all that time and even if honestly presenting one's thoughts and feelings + asking the other to do the same can be difficult, it should be worth it. I hope you'll be able to figure it out and wish you a nice day :)
I'm going to post this anonymously because I'm nervous of putting a face to the question. So here it goes, I am a 21 year old women who has hated her nose and talked about getting plastic surgery since I was 12. I have recently saved enough money and have contacted a doctor to give me a rhinoplasty. I told my boyfriend of almost 6 years (our anniversary is the 17th of this month) that I am seriously going to do it, and hes given me the silent treatment and cold shoulder since I've told him. He also said he might break up with me because of it. So my question is, do you think that's fair? I would think that after 6 years of being together that our love is past appearances. I'm a bit offended that he'd break up with me over my face slightly changing. I'm still the same person. I feel terrible that the person I love most can't support me and would even go as far as dumping me. And I can't help but wonder if he's right. What do you think?