I think it's because they're a fated pair tbh, all Hyesung's antics have done is cause Dojin stress to the point that he couldn't even control his pheromones... For context, he NEVER uses them on anyone, he must have some good control. It's why his friend IS friends with him. The one that's always around? He says that. "my omega", i take this to confirm that he just realized Hyesung is his pair.

I think they're a fated pair, but Hyesung has been finding reasons to hate him and that's why their relationship up till now has been iffy. I mean, despite their relationship till now, when Hyesung's pheromones kicked in he'd seek out Dojin for sex. This means to me that the instincts are telling all.
I know most of you here says ''how can Dojin like Hyesung, he is so annoying'' but I think thats why he actually likes him. He hated typical clingy omegas but then Hyesung appears being all stubborn and hard to get and Dojin got head over heels ( ̄∇ ̄")
Bet if Hyesung was easy and clingy he wouldnt like him.