I know right, can't believe that louis is also an adopted son :(. Wish I had 13 hot brothers. Why Ema and not me! :( It's a great anime can't stop squealing.

Hey you girls back off!
Azusa, Futo, Hikaru, Lori, Kaname, Louis, Masaoni, Natsume, Subaru, Tsubaki, Ukyo and Yusuke are all MINE! They're the boys that I dream to be with *nosebleeds*

The moment when I first was the brothers.. I swear cupid shot my heart 12 times :O

Did anyone watch brothers conflict episode 9? OMFG! Ema's adopted!!!! why didn't her adopted father tell her??? I feel so sorry for Ema she looked so broken.. NOO! and then natsume kissed her! gosh I'm so jealous. ^x^