All these "it was rape" comments.

youraedthiswrogn June 3, 2018 12:08 pm

He was clearly unconscious, his alpha instincts kicked in (you can see his eyes glazed over) and he went into "pregnancy mode". The same way Hyesung's eyes glazed over and he forced sex on Dojin multiple times. Hyesung even says "his eyes... Get ahold of yourself!" (ch 19, pg 3). If this was rape, then so were the last few times they had sex where Hyesung came onto Dojin while unconscious/ in his pheromones. As soon as Hyesung started to hurt, Dojin was able to snap back to his senses and TRIED TO PULL OUT. Unconscious=can't control himself. When he WAS conscious he tried to pull out, but he'd knotted inside Hyesung while he was unconscious (this is a VERY important piece of information to take in as without it, it looks like he's just NOT pulling out while hurting Hyesung. He PHYSICALLY couldn't pull out. Read about "knotting" here:, if you need, it's a biological thing in canines.), so he could only wait till it shrunk and he could physically pull out. He didn't keep fucking Hyesung when he regained consciousness, he stopped and waited, WHILE INSIDE HIM, till his dick went flacid enough that he could pull out while trying to comfort Hyesung during the wait. He didn't use his pheromones to rape Hyesung, he used them to show that he'd never used them before. He was saying that all the sex they'd had up till now was free of his pheromones as Hyesung didn't know what they felt like till now. "Have i ever released my pheromones in front of you? I was nice to you. I let you make yourself at home. So what's the problem (with staying here)?" (ch 18, pg 7 + 8). Some spoilers here: it wasn't even this round of sex that got him pregnant, it was when Hyesung was unconscious/in his pheromones and mounted Dojin that he got pregnant. The one where he says "i want a baby". HE got HIMSELF pregnant when he mounted Dojin, who had been asleep. Dojin doesn't consider Hyesung a "surrogate", he's in love because they're a fated pair, he says in the raws "there's still time" (to win Hyesung over) after Hyesung gets upset about the shoes. He wants Hyesung to keep the baby because he loves him and it's their child, he also wants Hyesung to raise it with him. It's why he's so desperate to keep Hyesung from leaving.

    Anonymous June 3, 2018 2:37 pm

    All your rant becomes invalid if you pay the attention to the fact that alpha was conscious before he WILLINGLY started to emit pheromones to make omega submissive. It's the same thing as to drug someone's drink in order to fuck they.

    youraedthiswrogn June 3, 2018 3:09 pm
    All your rant becomes invalid if you pay the attention to the fact that alpha was conscious before he WILLINGLY started to emit pheromones to make omega submissive. It's the same thing as to drug someone's drin... @Anonymous

    He didn't emit pheromones to make him submissive, he did it because Hyesung was acting as though he was trying to force him to stay there, look at the dialogue again... He was just asking, desperately. He uses his pheromone to show that he's never used them on him to make a point that he's treated him right.

    youraedthiswrogn June 3, 2018 3:20 pm
    All your rant becomes invalid if you pay the attention to the fact that alpha was conscious before he WILLINGLY started to emit pheromones to make omega submissive. It's the same thing as to drug someone's drin... @Anonymous

    Hyesung: "Is it because you need me to be inspired or something? I don't know how important that is to you, but i could care less! I'm sick of being used by other people! So just leave me alone!", he's saying that Dojin is just keeping him there for the inspiration he gets from him. Dojin: "no, that's not it. Why are you... Always...Trying to run away from me?", he is saying that Hyesung is under a misunderstanding, he isn't using him. The inspiration is just a plus, he wants him there to take care of him as he has been because he loves him. He doesn't understand why Hyesung is always trying to run away when all he does is treat him well, he uses his pheromones to show that he's always givin him options, if he'd used them before, Hyesung would recognize them. It wasn't to rape him, i said this in my comment.

    Saffron June 3, 2018 4:05 pm


    youraedthiswrogn June 3, 2018 4:26 pm
    Thanks! Saffron

    Np! (⌒▽⌒)

    MiyaharaAiriSenpai June 3, 2018 5:43 pm

    I agree with this. The problem is that some clearly don't know a thing or two about the rules in omegaverse. What other people don't understand is that most of the characters' actions in these types of stories are prompted by INSTINCT. Like ruts, heats, scenting or knotting. Or the uncontrollable urge to keep your mate close and being possessive, like what Dojin did. Or the need to have sex and get pregnant, like what happened to Hyesung.

    And about the rape issue... I know rape can never ever be right but following the rules of omegaverse, putting an omega and an alpha under the same roof is a disaster waiting to happen. Tho, maybe that's why the author made it that way. To build up the story.

    (Side note, maybe mangago should have "mature"/"non-consensual" tags in their mangas/manhwas to avoid having people get triggered all the time.)

    youraedthiswrogn June 3, 2018 6:10 pm
    I agree with this. The problem is that some clearly don't know a thing or two about the rules in omegaverse. What other people don't understand is that most of the characters' actions in these types of stories ... MiyaharaAiriSenpai

    There DOES seem to be some thought going on that seems to be being applied out of context. I agree with you as well. The omegaverse is a setting, it IS rules, it's how things work/are regardless of the logic we try to apply based on our own irl experiences. The instincts CANNOT be controlled, this is part of the canon, even the suppressants tend to fail in cases. Medication isn't even a solution here... Then there is the biology page that some people skip as well. Those pages at the beginning are important. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    MiyaharaAiriSenpai June 3, 2018 8:07 pm
    There DOES seem to be some thought going on that seems to be being applied out of context. I agree with you as well. The omegaverse is a setting, it IS rules, it's how things work/are regardless of the logic we... youraedthiswrogn

    Yeah. That is so true. The first few pages of a manga with an omegaverse setting explains the whole thing but some tend to ignore it. They're there for a reason guys.

    sasukesharringar June 3, 2018 9:23 pm
    All your rant becomes invalid if you pay the attention to the fact that alpha was conscious before he WILLINGLY started to emit pheromones to make omega submissive. It's the same thing as to drug someone's drin... @Anonymous

    Before Dojin released his pheromones on purpose he did it by accident because he got very upset (and they leaked out) that Hyesung was trying to leave (again). This is why the fight about the pheromones started.

    You need to remember that Dojin is a dominant alpha which in this omegaverse means has stronger pheromones than normal, he also doesn't like omegas and generally avoids them. So he tends to not use his pheromones. In contrast the author clearly showns the brother using his on Heesu to get him to agree to taking extra spending money and perfume. (Which seems to be the socitail norm in this setting.) Wheras Heesu mentioned that he's friends with Dojin because unlike the other alphas he has never used pheromones on him. It is also pointed out that Dojin is very sensitive to omega pheromones and doesn't like them and tends to avoid coming into contact with them, also seems to have stronger resistance to them. (I think this is the reason he tried to help Hyesung but it got complicated and escallated because he didn't have a home, but these are onlly hints so far though.)

    Hyesung is still in denial that he is omega (he has been forced to accept facts but has still to accept the impacts on his life and how society expects him to conform).
    Dojin can't understand this and there is major communication problems on both sides. We also have yet to see how Hyesung's background is affecting the situation as it has been hinted as an explanation to his actions.

    So in general Dojin is not your typical alpha for this omegaverse society, just like Hyesung is not a typical omega.

    Just to point out a few things that I think are not being picked up on. The author has set up the omegaverse to have dominant and recessive alphas and omegas. The dominant ones have strong pheromones and can have difficulty controling them. The recessive ones can have delayed development of their pheromones and when they develop the first time can be strong.(was mentioned when Hyesung was confirmed as omega, but he had a fit and left before getting all the info) It is also socially acceptable to use your pheromones.

    At this point that is all that is clear, we don't know how the pheromone perfume fits in or the way the rape laws work for this society (we know there's one as Hyesung mentioned it) or if there are laws about pheromones or how bad the omega discrimination is yet.

    I think that since the pheromone perfume is new in the society, the effects are yet to be known (at least publicly) so laws and regulations will not be in place. In my opinion the brother intentionally made the perfume to force Dojin to mate with omegas because of his complete refusal to do so. Wheather it turns out that the loss of control is an intended side affect or not is yet to be revealed. It could also be that it is target spicific to Dojin as the brother developed it. In my opinion the perfume is like a date rape drug but has not been picked up on as it is new. But we'll have to wait and see what the author reveals.

    We do know that perfume was involved in the first sex with both parties affected (Hyesung's first heat, Dojin desperately tryin to convey the situation Hyesung was in, loosing control and leaving and then Hyesung mounting Dojin) but we will have to wait and see if the brother has been having Heesu dose Dojin with perfume and if this is triggering the other times or if fated mates exist in this omegaverse.

    What a lot of people seem to be doing is applying our societal values (in which rape and consent are hot topics for debate atm) to the omegaverse one when there's a completely different social make up and acceptable norms. Even if they are wrong they are the setting for the story and we are following how the characters interact with them or how they try to change them or whether they conform or diverge.

    youraedthiswrogn June 4, 2018 7:11 am
    Before Dojin released his pheromones on purpose he did it by accident because he got very upset (and they leaked out) that Hyesung was trying to leave (again). This is why the fight about the pheromones started... sasukesharringar

    This^ Hyesung was acting like he was threatening him with the little accidental slip of pheromones, it pissed Dojin off that Hyesung was implying he was trying to force him to stay by threatening him with his pheromones so Dojin let them out for real to make the point that Hyesung has never felt them before because: "have i ever let my pheromones out around you? I was nice to you. I let you make yourself at home.", he's always treated him well.