Kinda bored

turtle June 3, 2018 8:22 am

So i was wondering if any of you guys have gotten bored of yaoi sometimes? I've binge read it ever since summer started because i never really had time to do it when school was in session, but lately i've been getting tired of reading yaoi. I've tried going back over to shoujo, shounen, etc but i always seem to find faults in everything i read or i think they're cringey. How'd you guys cure this?

    Ella June 3, 2018 8:25 am

    I dont really get bored. But I do pause from yaoi from time to time. I usually find other or new tags of BL which ive never seen or read before :)

    megane June 3, 2018 8:26 am

    it's the same with me. I've read to many yaoi and became less interested in other genres.

    Sometimes i tend to try re-reading some of my favorite manga(the not yaoi ones), still gives me entertainment and interest to read something similar to it. why don't you try starting with that?

    Anonymous June 3, 2018 8:40 am

    Me too
    Since along ago
    I guess for me reading was a phase and I got over it

    takame June 3, 2018 9:30 am

    There's no reason to keep shoving yaoi in your throat. Take chances like these to explore othee things like light novels or other genre/category.

    turtle June 4, 2018 1:53 am

    Thanks guys! But sadly I've turned to summer homework and ACT practice to fulfill my boredom (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ i've read a bunch of light novels but my critique with a bunch of them are that some translations are hard to swallow. There are always gems in every genre though! I might come back once in a while to read some yaoi