If I try to analyze the facts from Kuroe ‘s side... there is no rape attempt... just the friend you’re in love with confessing to you..then both of you kissing then the friend who kind of confessed ripped off your arm... I totally understand why, as it is a case of ptsd... however I cannot see any rape intention here...and I didn’t like the fact that Kuroe seemed to be blamed for leaving...when he obviously did this in order to protect the guy who (pardon me but..) fucking cut his arm...
lol I guess we really have different perspectives. first of all he didn't attempt to rape Azuma since Azuma triggered the whole thing u know and
it's just Kuroe initiated the thing 'cause they feel the same about each other (it's obvious because of the air around them) that's why they ended up kissing and such. and take note that as he notice Azuma's acting weird all of a sudden( yes, he's remembering the rape scene with his uncle) and Kuroe immediately stopped and look so concerned but by then Azuma already lost it which leads to cutting off's Kuroe's arm. The two of them are the victims because it all started with the frigging rapist Uncle!! (Fuck him btw)
The two ended up hurt and suffer not because of each other but because of their past
I think Kuroe didn’t blame the uke coz he thinks it’s also his fault for attempting to rape the uke. And i understand the uke for hallucinating that night thinking of Kuroe as his uncle whom raped him in the past coz he was basically drunk and couldn’t control his senses or his actions. I actually blame the sake that they drunk. Or could be Kuroe.. since he’s so “ couldn’t grow backbone to confess” his feelings and he just you-know.. “sake+Kabe-don=rape confession” kinda plan. But it’s just soo sad for both of them that the circumstances that night turn bloody that I think Kuroe’s plan didn’t actually go as he plan.. is what my brain come up of this conclusion even tho it didn’t really said in the story but it falls to me in the end that we just need to forgive but never forget the past. It’s always part of our life history book. But while re-reading this.. I actually ask myself if I can forgive ?