Oh boy this is a doozy

Evilcookie June 2, 2018 3:16 am

I just took a minute to read the whole thing again, and I must say everything seems a lot more consistent than when I read it chapter per chapter. Bum just kept getting darker and Sangwoo is slowly getting more and more attached to Bum.

Bum seemed to have always been bullied for being skinny and shy, and after his parents deatg only happen to increase. After he started to live with his uncle he had to deal with the sexual/mental abuse and from his grandmother neglect. When the girl at school started to hang around him he thought he finally found someone who understood him, only to be turned down too. When he was drafted he was bullied by his fellow soldiers and sexually assaulted. When Sangwoo showed up and saved him from the soldiers Sangwoo become a savior. No one in his life stood by him for anything, so he found his safe spot. Sangwoo didn't look at him funny or pick on him, he became very attached. He only had one thing in his life that he was dedicated to and he put his all into it. Finding out that Sangwoo was a murderer broke his image of him for Bum. At first he was fighting with his past thoughts on Sangwoo and the current Sangwoo, love and fear. He was able to see sides of Sangwoo he never knew. Sides Bum knows that Sangwoo never showed anyone else (and lived to tell). Not only that but the things that Sangwoo did helped to build a stochomedindrom. The whole punishment + reward system. Even when he went out to the talent show thing no one listened to Bum they only look and ridiculed him. But I think the real change is the last chapters of season 2. When Bum meet the police officer I think he knew he was needed for one thing, testimony. The police man didn't really care for him, in his eyes, he wasn't a victim but evidence. When he was being interviewed he said "could you love me? Could you kiss me? Get angry on my behalf?" That was him realizing that no one could do any of those things him. He is to broken, ugly, and has too much baggage. The only one who could is someone even more broken and he should be lucky to have someone to think of him that way.

Sangwoo was abused by his father at a very eary age and his only life support was his mother. Sangwoo's mom was a dark haired, skinny, gloomy women and when she felt like her husband was getting angry would try anything to butter him up. It seems in this recent chapter that after years of abuse Sangwoo's mother became completely broken. She would used to stroke his hair and pay attention to him but know won't even acknowledge him. She was his only comfort he knew of and when it was gone he broke. He started to kill women because that was him getting his anger from his mother. A women betrayed him not his father. His father never showed him love but his mother did so it's a betrayal if she takes it away from him.I think his thought process is very similar to Bum's in that case, the whole "I was fine not knowing, but now that I do know why did you show me only to take it away?" He hates women thinking that they are all the same, but he loves his mom still. When he met Bum he saw his mom but not a woman. He saw Bum, at first, as a person who he can punish in his mom's place. Then he starts to imprint his fears of his mother on Bum. Bum is someone fragile, so unlike when dad did with his mom, he will treat him gently. Bum is someone skinny, so unlike what happened to his mom, Bum gets to eat with him. There are multiple sides that Sangwoo does with Bum. One where he uses Bum as a replacement mom. To keep a hostage and criminal relationship. Another to try to fix the wrongs that Sangwoo's father did to his mother and show that he is not his dad. He also has love for Bum (but since he is a psychopath it's weird for him and he shows it weird) but he has the fear that his relationship will end like his parents did. Him being abusive to the ones he cares for and making his loved one broken. It's kinda like if a boy would to have a dad that left them young, the boy may grow up scared that he would be the same way.

I'm in no way justifying what ETHIER of them did, both are killers and really don't deserve a happy ending. But you know it's a good story if you can feel for murderers and genuinely want them happy. I think the only happy, and justed, ending for them would be a double suicide.

    non June 2, 2018 3:28 am

    lol you wrote an essay (but I liked reading your thoughts). I think people tend to forget that serial killers, psychopaths, are usually people with very dark childhoods. I agree with you a 100% that it should never justify their actions, but I love authors like these that delve into understanding why.

    bimblefrog June 2, 2018 3:46 am

    wow, really good - well said. regarding "happy" ending, I wonder - what if they never get caught? How interesting would that be? I think in a way they're living what they deserve. their life is that of hiding, much hurt, scarcity, and lunacy. karma already has them in the palm of its hand...

    Evilcookie June 2, 2018 3:59 am
    lol you wrote an essay (but I liked reading your thoughts). I think people tend to forget that serial killers, psychopaths, are usually people with very dark childhoods. I agree with you a 100% that it should n... non

    Thanks! I'm just glad people were able to understand what I'm getting at (I write weird either to little or too much)

    Evilcookie June 2, 2018 4:14 am
    wow, really good - well said. regarding "happy" ending, I wonder - what if they never get caught? How interesting would that be? I think in a way they're living what they deserve. their life is that of hiding, ... bimblefrog

    Thank you very much! I spent waaay to much time on this ( ̄∇ ̄") But how I'm protecting the end is they will be caught. Not in the hand cuff way but in the police-at-your-door. Plus I don't think either would be good in a long term relationship Bum will probably do something small and will set Sangwoo off. I also think Sangwoo will never really feel guilty for what he did, but Bum will and when it hits hims it'll hit him hard.

    So this is how I think the end will be.

    Police will be at the door
    Sangwoo and Bum will either be in the basement or upstairs hugging or kissing each other.
    Police will brake in and scan the first floor.
    Sangwoo will have to help/kill Bum
    Sangwoo will either kill himself before police arrive, kill himself as he see the police with a smile, or ....
    He gets arrested
    Live his life in an insane asylum
    ¿Maybe die or kill himself in the end?

    This is just me though. And usually when I predict things they end up wrong sooooooo

    Fraiser June 2, 2018 5:42 am

    That's a really good analysis! And it finally makes their behaviors make sense to me! I had inklings of what was going on with certain parts of their behavior, like Sangwoo seeing Bum as his mom or something, but this analysis really fully makes sense of that. Thanks for sharing!

    Fujoshi_ber June 2, 2018 12:22 pm

    Thanks so much for summarizing it. I forgot a lot of the plot and was too lazy to go back and read it again

    What a Fine Day June 2, 2018 1:40 pm

    Whoaa, totally agree with you!!
    Ahh.. i also think the only happy end for them would be like that. Really curious what kind of ending will happen to them, the story is unpredictable tho( ̄∇ ̄")