
honeybyun June 1, 2018 11:47 pm

The dudes in the Koryo kingdom keep calling Korean an ‘ancient language’. So does that mean that the time Sanghee was living in was way in the past? Or is it in the future? Could it be possible to use magic to go forward in time and bring the evidence back? Damn I can’t get this off my mind

    Threekee June 2, 2018 12:06 am

    I would guess Sanghee use to live in the past until she died, because they have phones, cars, elevators, and plains.

    Winly June 2, 2018 1:59 am

    Maybe it's a parallel universe? Because if it was the past, they would know much more in some fields like mathematics for example, but they said that the princess basically invented the concept of zero and the rest, so it's not possible to say it's the future...

    Bammys June 2, 2018 1:22 pm
    Maybe it's a parallel universe? Because if it was the past, they would know much more in some fields like mathematics for example, but they said that the princess basically invented the concept of zero and the ... Winly

    yeah i think so too