1. Azusa is hella poor and I think you have to pay for high schools in Asia so I guess it's cheapest he could get or there are no closer school 2. Highschool is divided into 3 years there so I'm guessing they are in their second year because the upperclassmen takumi (I think it's his name) hasnt graduated yet and a new year usually starts in June for them. 3. Karino is a brute so the way he shows his love and affection for Azusa is meant to appear mean and hateful but it's actually just his sick way of loving him. You can see karino possessive side a lot when he doesn't want Azusa around other guys yet Azusa still flirts with them just to get karino angry lol

I think Azusa doesn't change school because he doesn't want to worry his mom
also he has trust issues, so he probably think no one will help him anyway
poor Azusa shouldering all that burden by himself :(

Why do you guys thinking Azusa and his mom are poor? I don't think they are poor, they living a normal standard life, like many, many other common Japanes (except for his mom is a prostitute).

Not every woman became a prostitute because she is poor! Many of prostitutes just choose this path of life - like someone choose to be a physical worker or worker in the shop. Maybe she just choose to be a prostitue because she's got a rather good money for this kind of job, you know, you will get much more money while being a prostitute than working hard as a physical worker (for example). So said, I don't believe that Azusa and his mother are living a poor life. He looks to eat properly, as well he is dressed good, too. I don't see he's worrying about what to eat or what to dress. He's living a simply, normal life - for sure he's not living as a poor child.

Indeed, he doesn't appear to be neglected. It just seems as though the kids at school are looking for any possible "weakness" to bully and discriminate him for, in this case they are viewing him coming from a single parent household as this.
He obviously cares for him mum, and at the moment is just coming off like a typical teenager who gets embarrassed at their parents turning up at school. Nothing more. Her occupation isn't really worth mentioning, I'm sure his classmates would pick on him if his mum had a similar high earning/status job as the dark haired glasses guys parents do.

1. This is yaoi manga my dude. Logic doesn’t apply here
2. I believe they’re in 2nd year cause they have seniors and juniors
3. Who the hell knows what that psycho think or feel. He might not really feel anything for Azusa and just doing it for thrills or fun. Dude is sick I’m tellin ya

You read too many mangas. Go out and find an happy prostitute, if you can. Who said he doesn't love her or she doesn't love him back? It's pretty clear all along the story they are important to each other, but in case you forget, their life is miserable, or you put the part where both of them is hurt by a violent customer as part of that freedom of choice? And he's obviously uncomfortable with the idea of being considered a slut because he thinks his mother is weak, due to the fact she's a woman (and this is a judgment in itself toward her and her "life choices"). It's not my personal opinion, it's stated in the story.
Damn. Do you REALLY think someone would choose that path if given a real choice?

There is not a single page of this manga that suggest that Azusa is living in a poverty. I wasn't see Azusa thinking about what to eat or what to dress or that he has cold in his house - I didn't see any single sign that Azusa is living in a poverty. He doesn't think about things a poor man is thinking. He thinks mainly about how to bring Karino down. He's eating properly, he's dressed quite nice, also I didn't notce he's emaciated because of malnutrition.
Also, YES. I really think someone would choose that path if given a real choice. The same is including a man who is a murderer - he is a murderer because he choose this path even if he could live a normal life. And a pimp - he is a pimp because he likes money not because he doesn't have a choice. And a thief - doesn't he have a choice - to be thief or not to be? Every of them - a murderer, a pimp and a thief - have this choise. And a prostitute has this choice, too. Of course, there can be problems with pimps when a prostitute tries to get away from this business, but STILL it's possible if she really want it. The problems with pimp can be solved, too, when a prostitute will pay a pimp well. Azusa's mother can quit this shitty job ANY TIME and the only explanation why she didn't is that the income is really good. You earn much more money working as a prostitiute than working at any other physical job.
I can tell you why she can quit this job. I just chcecked my local press adverisements - there are plenty of advertisements where someone is looking for a worker who will be cleaning. In short: there are many ppl who are looking for a charwoman. If you will go and tell that you want to work as a charwoman, no one will be interested what you did before, were you a prostitute or someon else. You just have working hard, cleaning house or whatever. BUT. If you don't want working hard and prefer working as a prostitute, well, that's your choise. Also, the charwoman's income is pretty nice, too. BUT you have to work hard - not everyone likes it, some prefer to work as a prostitutes.
And I'll tell you a story. Near my house there is a fashion boutique. His owner is a former prostitute; she's a nice and cheery woman, it's not a big deal to anyone. Although, anyone knows that she was working as a prostitute and after few years of this job she opened a shop. SO. I believe her income was pretty good - this is rather exclusively fashion boutique. She wasn't living in a poverty, that's for sure. Because this kind of job gives you a pretty nice income - we don't live in a XIX century anymore. Sometimes she has a guests, and while looking at these girls' faces and clothes, you simply know they are a prostitutes, I believe these girls are her friends from her former job. And they are wearing a really expensie clothes, use a really expensive perfumes and you can see they attend to a really expensive hairdressers.
Also, talking about the incident when Azusa's mom was beaten up by client - that's prostitute's profession risk. Do you really think that EXCLUSIVE call girls who are paid hundreds of dollars for night weren't beaten up at their work? Of course they were. It doesn't matter is this a prostitute or an exclusive call girl - she can be beaten up any time; that's the risk of this work.

Not everyone involved in sex work is there because they are being forced to do so, or that they do not enjoy their job. Yes, there are people who are sex workers who are doing so out of desperation and due to being forced, but that does not mean all of those in the industry have that background. Don't know about where you are, but in the UK there are lots of activist groups for sex workers who go on the news and politics related programmes in order to raise awareness of their profession, their concerns and ultimately to stop the stigma that you are promoting.

Also reading the comment above mine, it seems that she is an escort. Many people do escort work to fit around their university studies for example, they aren't leading miserable impoverished lives but instead are doing a usually well paying job, that takes a few hours a week and they agree with the conditions. Sorry blackdla but I think you have quite a naive view of the sex industry if you think everyone involved is just some helpless, abused person.

I think Azusa does not change school because of his huge pride. Someone like Azusa won't admit defeat easily (since changing school seems like smth a coward would do), and he still has to work on a plan to seek revenge on Karino. And as we all know, Azusa won't break. I personally think that Azusa is under a scholarship or smth because 1. he goes to the same school as the son of minister does, and Senzaki is definitely a son of someone influental 2. he has good grades, we always see him walking around with a book lol so changing school would made him lose scholarship I guess??
I'm pretty sure Karino has developed romantic feelings for Azusa but being a rich brat he probably assumed the feelings as the need to possess Azusa. He treats Azusa like a toy but I'm hellaaaaaaa sure Karino has took a liking on Azusa ever since Azusa was a king.

It does seem like the plot is the stereotypical "I bully you because I love you" trope, and theKarino has made it so he is the only one who can mistreat, assault and abuse Azusa is his way of manifesting this. If Karino really did treat Azusa like any other target, he wouldn't have cared when he got raped by other people. (think this was in the raw chapter when I read it).
It's a dark story indeed, but the tropes are unfortunately common.

You're absolutely right in everything you said.

It might be like that, but his mother doesn't look like those who are happy with her work, not does she look like she's very well paid.
I have a couple questions and hopefully somebody could answer them but first of all
1. Why doesn’t Azusa just change schools like if I was him I would’ve BEEN killed myself js
2. Are they seniors or sophomores or what grade are they specifically in if anyone could tell me cause thts confusing
3. Does Karino hate or love Azusa I need to know