yaya June 1, 2018 1:28 am

So from what I'm understanding from this chapter and the comments is that it might be that Sangwoo might have been sexually abused by his mother and I didn't even think about that until someone mentioned it. and that actually could be the case, if it is I won't be surprised because it looked like his mom became crazy after the scenes or clips we seen her appear in and also Bum been raped by his own uncle so it could be why Sangwoo got so mad at Bum for not fighting back because Sangwoo might have gone through the same thing but fought back his mother while bum did nothing. It looked like Sangwoo was really scared of her so he may had killed his mom and father, but I could be wrong. His past looks like it has a lot to do with his mother and why he turned out that way because you mostly see scenes with his mother being there rather than his father. But i'm not saying that his father didn't have anything to do with Sangwoo acting this way either, because his father probably did abuse him just as much or more than the mother. Anyway at the beginning of this new chapter where he was with the mother and when he turns his back to pick up a knife and turns back around and see's Bum it looks like he's more at peace and calmer than when he was with his mother. And idk if its because he's either in likes/loves bum or is just depended on him but hopefully we'll find out in this season about Sangwoo past and what's in store for those two.

    Masamune May 31, 2018 9:04 pm

    Well, u might be right, but I think dat she wasnt abusing him, but his father. When he killed both of them, the guilt of killing his mother could not leave him, dats why hes seeing her now. And ofc the trauma he got after all hes been through.
    Than,if his mom was innocent, why did he kill her? Maybe the reason is dat she knew but didnt do anything, all through she was abused as well, or she protected his husbend when sangwoo was killing him, or u r right, there are million of explainings I can name.. eh.. ╥﹏╥

    yaya June 1, 2018 1:24 am
    Well, u might be right, but I think dat she wasnt abusing him, but his father. When he killed both of them, the guilt of killing his mother could not leave him, dats why hes seeing her now. And ofc the trauma ... Masamune

    Yeah, what you said makes sense and could be a possibility. especially when you said that his guilt of killing his mother and that's probably why he see's her a lot more in his illusions or dreams. but I feel like the mother must have had done something horrible if he could kill her even though apparently he feels bad about it or him just being his crazy self snapped one day and killed his mother without thinking. but i just hope i see his past so i can make sense of why he did this. because he's the only one that we don't know his past or background and that seems to be to be a big part of this story to find out why he turned like this.