I'm simultaneously disturbed and... no, just disturbed. 10/10

notyurinotinterested May 26, 2018 4:25 pm

I'm simultaneously disturbed and... no, just disturbed. 10/10

    trinityanne May 25, 2019 3:16 am

    why be disturbed it takes all kinds for the world to go round we each have our own kinks that get us fired up and honestly this may disturb you but in all actuality most sadists are actually very loving and caring people and really a real sexual sadist like myself i have never hurt somebody i have been with no blood loss or anything like that period yes i have been with some women that honestly loved being talked down to however that honestly gets old very very fast but then again there are many different levels of what people see and consider as S & M some see just handcuffs as sm play however there are those few that love to see blood while getting off those ones are sick fucks me i prefer give and take seeing as how i am also a bit of a masochist myself and honestly most sadists are just that both a sadist and a masochist at the same time i know odd but it works for us