
KaidoKid May 27, 2018 1:14 am

1) about a prince/Royalty who came to Japan, as recommended by his grandpa, to find a wife. MC guy met the prince & they got along well. Prince offered MC a job (like being secretary/attendant), unknowingly prince plans to make MC his bride. MC objects bec his not a woman but prince said it’s bec his kind etc.
*IDK if it’s the same story = MC (now at prince’s home) & refuses to be with prince so he asked prince butler to lock his room, no access for prince only butler can get inside for delivering meal. But prince got a chance & cornered MC for sex (saying his been holding back for weeks & for consideration to MC). So happy ending.

2) *IDK if the same story as 1 = there’s a scene where prince? somewhat abducted uke. Uke just woke up & find himself aboard Prince’s private jet, in a bed, naked(almost?)

3) I don’t remember much of the story but there’re 2 couples/pairs in the story. 2nd pair/couple was about the boss/superior & subordinate. The typical subordinate thought boss likes the other guy(a guy from the 1st couple/pair) but actually likes the subordinate himself. All I can remember is the manga/chapter cover(colored) where boss-sub is wearing blue yukata, in hot spring, boss got nice abs & black hair, & sub a beauty.
(So vague) if you’ve ever stumbled the story kindly let me know!!
Thank you so much!
