my 2 cent

marry May 23, 2018 7:54 am

I know i am going to get lots of hate for saying this but fuck it, it really has to be said and i am so sick of reading comments that purely shows favoritism to the mc. I will be making multiple points in this long comment:
1) cheating can not and should not be equated to murder or rape. cheating is the act of betrayal towards the person you are in a comment relationship with while rape and murder is a violation of one's basic human right. How can one compare a violation of another's human right to betrayal of one trust? they shouldn't.
2) The MC thought his BF was dating his Best friend and married to another. He believed this to be true and still went ahead and sleep with the guy. That is fucked up and it means that even if it wasn't a misunderstanding on his part he still would have slept with the guy and continue to date him.
3) I don't know about the next person but i would never sleep with a guy that i believe my best friend was in a relationship with. I wouldn't care even if she was cheating on him. I wouldn't do it purely out of respect for our friendship and the love i have for her. plus i wouldn't want to be betrayed in that manner by my best friend.
4) Yes, Mari is a bitch, selfish, and childish but she loves her brother and friend. she was rooting for their relationship because she wanted both of them to be happy. She has been supporting her brother the best way she could. she kept his sexuality a secrete from their parent even when she really wanted him to come out because she thought that would be for the best.
5) Mari never really betrayed anyone. she didn't owe the wife anything. don't get me wrong what she did was fucked up and morally wrong. Even the wife understood that on some level which is why most of her hatred and anger was directly aimed at her future ex-husband. (what she said about mari and her husband relationship was on the nose- mari really doesn't know what romantic love is)
6) Just because you feel bad about something you did doesn't make the action any less yours. Guilt is just an emotion to make yourself feel better. It doesn't do the 'wronged' party any good because you feel guilty.

7) I totally understand the BF not wanting anything to do with him at the moment. Not only did he break his heart due to a misunderstand but he honestly thought that the BF was such a scum bag that would cheat on his wife with a GF and cheat on said GF with the MC. I wouldn't want to be around such a person who thought so lowly of me. I would start to wonder how they could possibly love me. Not to mention the heartbreak and the MC actions right after the break up.

    Starr Alina May 23, 2018 8:52 am

    Shit! Amen!

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 9:00 am

    Yesss, i 100% agree.

    Anonymous May 24, 2018 3:12 am

    Damn you are so right

    xunpodipayne May 24, 2018 6:55 am

    Ugh I agree completely (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    It's Misa Misa ;) May 24, 2018 11:11 am

    I think this manga can be renamed "Facing the consequences of being an idiot" , 'cus Joonyoung is a fucking moron. I think he needs to face reality (without drowning in self pity) , smh.

    Btw , even though I may disagree with you , your points are coherent and well written . They made me rethink my stances on some issues for a while , nice !