Ahhhh!! One of the things I love about this manga is how much it makes you think. Cause it...

coffeedrinker May 22, 2018 2:29 pm

Ahhhh!! One of the things I love about this manga is how much it makes you think.
Cause it forces you to entertain the possibility of, “Well, maybe Shio SHOULD stay with Sato...” even if you don’t like Sato for being a killer and kidnapper. Because Shio’s life was so horrible. And the only one she has left is her brother, who can’t even take care of himself. But should she be reunited with him anyways, even if her quality of life will decrease significantly? Or should she stay with Sato, her captor but who does care for her well.
I have a feeling it’s gonna wrap up soon... I’m gonna be sad when it’s over.

    LallaLa July 4, 2018 7:01 am

    Just know that I am answering this without having read it all. Sato annoys the hell out of me and i just can't..but still am curious enough to read the comments. Going to where I stopped and your comment, even if her quality of life would decrease with her brother, she would still be free and not facing the danger of, in the future, be killed for not being an innocent child anymore. Besides, with her brother, she would be free. I may not have read all the chapters up until now, but if I remember well, Sato likes her innocence on top of all. But what when that innocence is gone? Will she be killed as well and Sato will just find another girl?
    Her brother is still a child, but still her brother. I think that girl being free with her brother is much better than locked in a cage just because Sato likes her innocence.
    But, again, I haven't read as much as the others when it comes to this manga. Would you be so kind as to give me an update as of why you think there is a reason that she should stay with sato?

    coffeedrinker July 5, 2018 8:45 pm
    Just know that I am answering this without having read it all. Sato annoys the hell out of me and i just can't..but still am curious enough to read the comments. Going to where I stopped and your comment, even ... LallaLa

    Well, firstly, I don’t actually have an opinion one way or another. My point in my comment is arguments for both sides.

    Sato seems to love Shio for more than her innocence. She has seen Shio experience things that take away her innocence and is happy as long as Shio loves her. I dunno where you get the impression Sato would kill Shio if she lost her innocence. I could only see her killing Shio if Shio stopped loving her- and even then, Sato has developed over the story. I don’t know if she could even kill her then.
    The people we see who Sato has harmed or killed have all been bad people (abusers, rapists) or people who plan on taking Shio away from Sato.
    Shio would be constantly in danger if she lived with her brother as well. She would be homeless, wouldn’t eat enough, and could easily be kidnapped again, perhaps by someone with much worse intentions. Her brother is a frequent victim of assault and lives on the street. He’s naïve and easily manipulated. She would be free and reunited with her brother, but likely live in extremely poor living and health condition.

    The question I’m trying to pose is what’s better: living with Sato, her kidnapper who is a serial killer and psychopath, but who truly loves her and wants to protect her and won’t harm her in a very comfortable environment where she’s likely mostly safe, or being reunited with her family who also truly love her and want to protect her, but is homeless, frequently physically assaulted, and unable to properly take care of himself?
    It’s a debate of being safe and happy, but ignorant, or being free, but unsafe.

    I don’t think Sato would kill her for losing her innocence, she loves Shio for more than that.

    Overall, I don’t know what’s better for Shio. You clearly feel very strongly that she’s better off free, and I think that’s fine. I just think one could make a good case for the other side as well, as I’ve tried to do, here.

    Misheru-senpai January 17, 2019 10:49 pm

    I felt like Shio should stay with Sato too, when I watched the Anime in the meantime.
    Btw, for me the Anime adaptation and the Manga are two whole different things. While the Manga shows the depth of each character and how they became who they are now (like Shio's mother), the Anime was even more disturbing by adding chilling music and creepy imagery. I was seriously scared of nothing when I watched it.