well I suspected it to be christoph, and then was basically convinced when he encouraged k...

angelbaby May 22, 2018 1:32 pm

well I suspected it to be christoph, and then was basically convinced when he encouraged kyon to have lucaon drink the tea - I just hope he’s redeemed

    Asma June 10, 2018 9:01 am

    I think he will regret doing it to Ryan not lucaon ,, because why did he do it in the first place if he will regret it later ? he didn't regret killing lucaon parents right? plus how did he poisoned them when he wasn't their servant and lucaon doesn't even know him ,, plus its easier to let any servant who works to for lucaons parents to do it .. I think the author only made chris do it because she wants him to save Ryan .. I don't want Ryan to join the bad guys but since they want him alive and the only way to save him is chris ,, they will sure bring chris back