*sipping tea*

PotatoJuice May 21, 2018 11:18 am

It is clear now that Woojung was the reason why he and his mother had no contact. Sarang and his mother did nothing wrong, Woojung should be the one to apologize.

    CrazyEgg May 23, 2018 3:33 am
    yes he is but i just dont get why ppl are like Woojung must say sry cz he is not the one. if your son did something wrong u just talk and talk till hes not gonna stop doin it, but here they just leave him with... @bee

    Maybe they dont like his attitude? Or maybe when he gets played around by Seohee everyone is like "WHAT R U DOIINN STOP JUST YAMETE." and then they got triggered by woojung obeying seohee and treating her like a goddess or smtg