Hyesung naysayers. Chapter 18. Contains Spoilers

blueninja89 May 20, 2018 8:20 pm

Man after this chapter I'd like to see someone call Hyesung a brat and victim blame him yet again. Yes, this is fiction, but how people have made up their mind to dislike a character who for all intents and purposes acts like how a FUCKING real person would act faced with past abuse and lowly prospects. So what Hyesung thought he was an alpha and wanted to marry a rich omega, it didn't happen and never will. He didn't even rely on a fallback plan of ensnaring a rich alpha once he knew he was an omega. He just wants to be on his own, on his own terms that's it. This chapter discredits any bullshit excuse people have made that Hyesung is a gold digger and stupid or whatever excuse... HE TRIED TO LEAVE MULTIPLE TIMES and didn't ask for anything from Dojin. How people can call Hyesung stupid is beyond me. Because he's not smart in your book, that makes him stupid? He obviously might be naive but he's smart enough to know what's best for himself. COME ON MAKE ANOTHER EXCUSE. I'd like to see how you'd handle his life.

I get the point of removing yourself from literature, but authors want readers to empathize with their characters. It's the point of getting into characters' heads whether good or bad, to create development and attachment to the overall plot or narrative.Yet a lot of the readers apparently can't be bothered to do. Regardless of him being pregnant already without his knowledge, Dojin's intention to rape Hyesung so he'll carry Dojin's child shows currently how terrible Dojin is to Hyesung. Doesn't matter if he provides Hyesung material compensation doesn't change he was forced against his will. Also to Dojin the money isn't even important to him, he's wealthy and an alpha, it's insignificant to him. Knowing later the real time of the baby's conception of course sheds better light on things. Still, up until now Dojin has way more power in the relationship, i.e. releasing his pheromones to incapacitate Hyesung and rape him. Hyesung creating the contract and now using Dojin for his money while pregnant in Hyesung's mind equates to how Dojin was prior using Hyesung as artistic inspiration i.e. providing money to Dojin too. It's also for Hyeseung's security. He has no job, no money, no where to live, etc. Hyesung has a great friend for even pointing out to him just how unequal a footing he has to Dojin should anything happen to him and the baby.

I honestly feel for Hyesung so much to be forced to have a baby, when you're not at all emotionally or mentally ready for it must be awful. He's young, so he's acting bratty at 20yrs old for sure but wanting to at least give the baby to Dojin and know the child is provided for is RESPONSIBLE. Not wanting a baby and staying around the baby is unhealthy for himself and the baby. Even willingly pregnant mothers face this in Postpartum Depression at times. He's come around to loving his child yes, but even people who keep their children can still be awful people. What makes Hyesung awful for walking away? Are people who give up their children for adoption for a better life now awful too? People's logic here is absolutely amazing. Dojin isn't to blame for the unplanned pregnancy because really it's not entirely his fault. However he's got a lot of groveling to do in the future when really Hyesung doesn't owe Dojin ANYTHING, but he's instead in Hyesung's mind TAKEN entirely away Hyesung's freedom.

Dojin of course isn't entirely to blame here either as I'm sure he wants to be a good parent and think of the safety of their unborn child. I actually feel for Dojin as well because he's not a bad person, he's just clearly an emotional person who doesn't know how to express himself. His conversation with his sister during polo highlights this. Yet, Dojin has dug a hole he can't get out of knowing his treatment of Hyesung has left a bad impression. I actually want Dojin and Hyesung to be happy and of course have them love their child and each other but as equal partners.I'm all for that kind of love. I know i'll get flack for being a hypocrite for caring so much about a manga while acknowledging it's fiction, but talking about good well written literature prompts people to think about things critically in so many different avenues as well. This manga is not one dimensional so why are the characters being regarded as so.

    felly May 20, 2018 6:38 pm

    ty for this coment <3

    Pooh May 20, 2018 6:46 pm

    Clap clap :-)

    NamiRisa May 20, 2018 7:03 pm

    Team Hyesung all the way. I really love him and he is the only reason I'm reading this. I dropped so many omegaverses because of how the omega is portrayed as someone who is weak, dependent and just grovels after an alpha. Here this one wants to live his life the way he wants to and refuses to take shit from no one and I love it.

    blueninja89 May 20, 2018 7:09 pm

    I should make clear too i'm not taking sides of either character. I like BOTH characters. I'm just fed up of alpha characters like Dojin getting scot free as being perfect simply because they're drawn hot. He's done some bad stuff so far just as much as good. Characters reacting to consequences instead of the typical yaoi logic of ignoring the elephant in the room (rape, violence, inequality, misunderstanding,etc) most times is refreshing. Hyesung has substance as a character and so does Dojin so please acknowledge that if anything. That's my main point I hope to get across.

    Jess M May 20, 2018 7:20 pm

    Thank you!! That was so well said.

    NamiRisa May 20, 2018 7:20 pm
    I should make clear too i'm not taking sides of either character. I like BOTH characters. I'm just fed up of alpha characters like Dojin getting scot free as being perfect simply because they're drawn hot. He's... blueninja89

    totally agree with everything you just said!

    Kaelepulu May 20, 2018 8:00 pm

    Hey! Are spoiler tags so hard? I opened up your comment because I agree with you about what is happening SO FAR, and you just spoiled a huge chunk of the story for me. I get that you're upset, I am too, but that was not right! :(

    Krysis_1ov3yaoi May 20, 2018 8:13 pm

    OMG! you said all I was thinking about Hyesuung character! but english is not my mother language, so is hard for me (spanish is my first language).
    So yes, I don't understand all the hate is put in hyesuung. He knows that he can have a baby, and you said it right, if hyesuung had wanted, he would have taken advantage of his condition as omega, and make used of this inspiration post sex (lol).

    blueninja89 May 20, 2018 8:20 pm
    Hey! Are spoiler tags so hard? I opened up your comment because I agree with you about what is happening SO FAR, and you just spoiled a huge chunk of the story for me. I get that you're upset, I am too, but tha... Kaelepulu

    REALLY my bad. With how many people mentioning events that have yet to been translated in the comment section I overlooked my preemptive rant. I should have remembered key events have yet to been addressed for those who choose to not read spoilers.

    Kaelepulu May 21, 2018 7:08 am
    REALLY my bad. With how many people mentioning events that have yet to been translated in the comment section I overlooked my preemptive rant. I should have remembered key events have yet to been addressed for... blueninja89

    It's fine. I was probably the last hold out anyway, and after I thought about it I was glad to learn that stuff all at once rather that get freshly outraged every week! Chapter 18 really managed to push all my buttons in the worst way, if you've spared me that for next week it's a good thing!