Exactly he looked like he was honestly uncomfortable with Anton's dad. Idk thats what i see. And the Anton is probably being a ass cause they keep treating him like a child. He probably didn't wanna go there in there first place. And then i find it funny that they all keep telling him the only reason he could come there because his father. Like yall only prostitutes yall could easily be thrown away he is

I know. Everything Arwin does isn't because he wants to... he doesn't have a choice, It's all decided by Anton's dad. Anton was only there because of his dad... Anton quoted " Is this another test". Imagine growing up thinking your being tested all the time... and people whispering in corners , then you've got everyone saying mean things to you when your dad isn't around.
It's obvious the way Arwin is the first time they had sex. He's trying to play the role as if everything is all handy dandy when in reality it's not. People are saying that he probably has an emotional attachment to Anton's dad but I see otherwise