feeling like a slowpoke here..

lephist May 20, 2018 12:07 am

I also didn't think that it was a date... like... Weren't they just .. u know... just walking and lookin' around?! <3 damn K feel slow

    kim August 25, 2018 1:08 pm

    I find both the the captain and his friend the director suspicious the fact that they want her to keep her magical-powers an abilities secret. An they have yet to inform the Crown*Prince an Prime-minister that she's the real Saintess is too un nerving.

    lephist August 27, 2018 8:28 pm
    I find both the the captain and his friend the director suspicious the fact that they want her to keep her magical-powers an abilities secret. An they have yet to inform the Crown*Prince an Prime-minister that ... kim

    Maybe they don't want to mix her up on the saint position, she would have to leave and go to lvl up or smthing like that

    kim August 27, 2018 10:29 pm
    Maybe they don't want to mix her up on the saint position, she would have to leave and go to lvl up or smthing like that lephist

    She a woman from a free society an now she's in a world govern my monarchy
    an status. Her value as the maiden-saint is closely related to that worlds survival.
    I just think that the director and captain might have ulterior motives. Like if she's
    in a relationship with the captn even if she's told to return to the Palace she wont.
    And the director might not want to lose his newly found funds her potions are bringing in. The Prince an prime minister wont need the R&D if they have her.

    lephist August 28, 2018 2:09 am
    She a woman from a free society an now she's in a world govern my monarchy an status. Her value as the maiden-saint is closely related to that worlds survival. I just think that the director and captain might h... kim

    That's also a possibility or it can be that the director knows something about the saint-maiden that we don't know

    kim August 28, 2018 3:58 am
    That's also a possibility or it can be that the director knows something about the saint-maiden that we don't know lephist

    I don't get that impression they seemed surprised by her abilities cause most of what they know is base off of folklores an assumptions made by the Priest on a forgotten art!

    kim August 28, 2018 4:07 am
    That's also a possibility or it can be that the director knows something about the saint-maiden that we don't know lephist

    My point is that her being the true Saintess is the same as being the only girl at an all boys camp. She only knows what they tell her like theres no way to return home, But she has yet to learn more about their world the different countries an kingdoms or who else might be seeking the Power of the Saintess. Its way to early to jump into bed with the first guy that shows you some affection.